Near East University signed a cooperation protocol with the State University of World Languages, one of the leading state universities of Uzbekistan, and the International Islamic Sciences Academy
Date Added: 19 February 2024, 09:27

Collaborating with more than 150 universities and institutions from many countries around the world, Near East University continues to strengthen its international cooperation network. Uzbekistan was the last link of the collaborations that strengthened the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as well as its scientific sphere of influence. Near East University signed a cooperation protocol with Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, one of the important state universities of Uzbekistan, and the Uzbekistan International Islamic Sciences Academy.

The protocols, which came into force with the signature of Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, Uzbekistan International Islamic Academy Rector Prof. Dr. Gafurov Uygun Tolkinovich and Uzbekistan State University of World Languages Rector Prof. Dr. Iilhamjon Tukhtasinov, aim to contribute to the strengthening of relations between countries as well as inter-institutional relations. Within the scope of the signed cooperation protocols, exchange programs involving faculty members and students, joint education programs including double degrees will be organized between Near East University, State University of World Languages and the International Islamic Sciences Academy, and joint scientific research will be carried out. At the same time, joint conferences, symposiums and seminars will be organized. On the other hand, library facilities will be shared by collaborating on publications and other scientific studies.

First contacts took place in Uzbekistan

Head of the Near East University Rumi Studies Institute Prof.Dr. Ghadir Golkarian , who was in Uzbekistan to attend the “3rd International Navai and Eastern Renaissance” symposium organized by the Uzbekistan International Public Foundation and Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, as a guest, visited and made contacts with the universities that signed cooperation protocols with the Near East University. At the meeting, Uzbekistan International Islamic Academy was represented by vice rectors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahidjon Islamov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zokirjon Ruziev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nagiza Shoaliyeva and International Relations Director Dr. Bakhodir Khujaev.

In addition to State University of World Languages Rector Iilhamjon Tukhtasinov, vice rectors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusupov Otabek Yakubovich, International Relations director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khusanboy Yuldashev participated in the meeting held with participation of Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “Our collaborations with Uzbekistan’s leading state universities will make a significant contribution to our goal of creating a richer academic environment by combining our knowledge and experience.”

Emphasizing that the signed cooperation protocol is an important step not only in scientific fields but also in terms of cultural interaction and international friendships, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “This collaboration we have realized with the State University of World Languages and the International Islamic Sciences Academy, two leading state universities of Uzbekistan. will make a significant contribution to our goal of creating a richer academic environment by combining our knowledge and experience.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “This protocol will not only increase the intercultural interaction of our students and faculty members, but also strengthen our cooperation in areas such as joint projects, exchange programs and scientific research.”