Near East University signed a cooperation protocol regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture consisting of nine departments
Date Added: 02 August 2017, 17:00
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 11:59

- Protocol of Cooperation between Near East University and Çukurova University

Near East University and Çukurova University signed a 3 + 3 year protocol envisaging cooperation in the field of education. Cukurova University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibar and Near East University Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ. Günsel stated that both universities would continue to work cooperatively to produce science.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of the Near East University, the Çukurova University would cooperate with the Near East University for the common interests of the parties. The cooperation protocol was signed by Çukurova University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kibar and NEU Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ. Günsel on behalf of their universities.

The protocol that signed at Çukurova University comprises terms and provisions enabling academic staff and student exchange. In the line with the terms and provisions that defined by the protocol, educational programs implemented by faculties, schools and graduate schools under the bodies of both universities will be enhanced and harmonized with international standards by exerting joint effort. The protocol also comprises provisions regarding cooperation for establishing a new faculty of agriculture within the body of the Near East University.

The new Faculty of Agriculture to be established within the body of Near East University consists of 9 departments and a research farm

Housing 16 faculties, 6 graduate schools, 2 schools, 4 vocational schools and 28 research centers, the Near East University will increase the number of the faculties to 17 upon constructing the new faculty of agriculture which will consist of 9 departments. The Near East University currently offers 220 undergraduate and associate degree, 205 master's degree and doctoral programs. The new faculty of agriculture, which will be established under the body of NEU in cooperation with Çukurova University, will consist of 9 departments including arable crops, horticultural crops, plant conservation, agricultural economics, agricultural machinery & technology, zootechnics,food engineering, landscape engineering, fisheries technology and a research and application farm.

GUNSEL: To be a science producing university is our greatest goal

Underlining that they signed a very important protocol with Cukurova University, Dr. Suat GUNSEL, Founding Rector of the Near East University, delivered information regarding the issue: "The protocol that we signed with Çukurova University, which is one of the first universities that we could established fraternity in the very early years of realizing our dreams regarding constructing a university, has constituted a great step for both universities. As the Near East University, we continue to produce and develop for 26 years. To be a science producing university is our greatest goal. The greatest way to achieve this is to gather all domains of education under one roof. We are doing this" said he.

3+3 year-protocol

Following the remarks, Prof. Dr. Mustafa KIBAR, Rector of Cukurova University, and Dr. Suat GUNSEL, Founding Rector of the Near East University, signed a 3+3 protocol of cooperation on behalf of their parties. NEU vice rectors Prof. Dr. Şenol BEKTAŞ and Prof. Dr. Fahreddin SADIKOĞLU, NEU Student affairs Office Director Ümit SERDAROĞLU, vice rectors and faculty deans of Cukurova University participated in the signing ceremony.