Near East University ranked 3rd among Universities in Turkey
Date Added: 25 April 2019, 09:31
Last Updated Date:19 November 2020, 10:39

Near East University Academicians have published more than 1,200 scientific papers in journals scanned in international indexes such as Web of Science and Scopus, and based on the number of publications made by per academician, Near East University is ranked 3rd among the State and Foundation Universities in Turkey; and first among the universities in Cyprus.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, it was announced that the number of articles published per faculty member of Near East University in 2018 is 1.23, and the number of articles per full-time faculty member is 0.64. As a result, Near East University is ranked 3rd among the state and foundation universities in Turkey, and first among the universities in our country.

Based on the number of publications scanned by Web of Science, the first 10 Universities in Turkey; including Near East University as 3rd is as follows:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel: “This Pride is Ours…”
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Günsel congratulated the achieved success and added that the scientific publication and citation reports on the national and international publication performances placed the Near East University 3rd among the 10 state and foundation universities in Turkey; and currently the NEU is among Turkey's top 10 research universities.

In addition to the above Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Günsel added that since the date of foundation, Near East University continued to progress on the path to be the centre of global information and that for 25 years, their motto was based on the “It is time to make a mark of the island on the continent” slogan. He emphasised that they were meticulously working towards their goal and by 2020, their aim was to be among the first 500 universities of the world with their research identity.

Moreover, he stressed that scientific research was one of the most significant products of universities and scientists and pointed out that the Near East University academicians made more than 1.200 scientific publications in the academic year 2018 in journals scanned in international indexes such as the Web of Science and Scopus; both recognised worldwide. He added that based on the number of publications made by Near East University academicians, the NEU has been ranked third among the universities in Turkey and in fact first among the universities in Cyprus. He expressed that this achievement gave everyone at the Near East University well-deserved pride and joy.

He said that the number of articles published in indexed journals were an indication of the most important criteria showing creativity, innovation, determination, cooperation, adherence to ethical values and academic success of universities. He thanked everyone contributing to this success achieved by the Near East University and emphasised that this pride was theirs as a whole.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel, expressed that they were aware of the fact that it was not possible to capture the future without science, technology, research, innovation and most important of all, production. While continuing to contribute to the society in scientific and academic sense, they also had an “Entrepreneur University” understanding; contributing to the development of our region and our country via science and technology. He assured that the Near East University is to continue to work hard to be among the leading universities of the world. He ended his word by stating that as a university, they will continue efforts to enhance the scientific research they have gained, to promote scientific performances and to reward success.