Near East University NeuIslanders Robotics Football Team starts with win at World Cup
Date Added: 20 June 2018, 14:03
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 10:13

Near East University Robotic Team NeuIslanders won the opening match of the Robotic World Cup held in Montreal, Canada.

According to information provided by the Near East University Press and Public Relations Directorate NEUIslanders, who played the first game in the tournament against the Robojackets of the Georgia Institute of Technology University in the United States, made several attacks throughout the match, and won the match 1-0 .

Tied with Brazil ...
In the second match of the day, NEUIslanders tied 0-0 in the match against Brazil's Military Engineering Institutional University, which won the South American open tournament this year. Although the team has often developed attacks throughout the match, the opponent did not fail in defense but was unable score the goal, too. In addition, two shots of NeuIslanders returned from the poles.

Post-Match Comments...
The NEUIslanders team working hard to get successful results in the following matches, stated that they have taken precautions by evaluating the mistakes made during the matches. NEUIslanders, who will compete with soccer-playing robots developed in different parts of the world, revealed that this year they are going on towards victory with a more offensive and ambitious robotic soccer team that has a more advanced artificial intelligence developed entirely new.