Near East University made its mark in the fields of “Physical Sciences”, “Computer Sciences” and “Engineering”, where it was listed among the top 300 universities in the world by Times Higher Education: It ranked first in Turkey in Physical Sciences and second in Computer Sciences and Engineering!
Date Added: 27 October 2023, 11:49

Near East University ranked first among the TRNC universities and among the top 5 universities in Turkey in all 7 categories in the “World Universities Field Ranking 2024” published by Times Higher Education. Near East University, which ranked first among the TRNC and Turkish universities in the field of “Physical Sciences”, is among the top two in Turkey in the fields of “Computer Sciences” and “Engineering”. Near East University is also among the top 500 in the world in the field of “Education”; It was ranked in the 501-600 band in the field of “Social Sciences” and in the 601-800 band in the fields of “Life Sciences” and “Clinical and Health”.

Times Higher Education (THE), a London-based international higher education rating agency, announced the “2024 World University Field Rankings” today. While Near East University was shown as the best university of the TRNC in all 7 categories in which it is among the best in the world, it made its mark in the fields of “Physical Sciences”, “Computer Sciences” and “Engineering”, where it was shown among the top 300 universities in the world.

Near East University, which is shown as the best university in Turkey in the field of “Physical Sciences”, is shown as one of the two best universities in Turkey together with Istanbul Technical University in the field of “Computer Sciences” and Koç University in the field of “Engineering”. Near East University, which is among the top 500 universities in the world in the field of “Education”, ranked 501-600 in the world in the field of “Social Sciences” and 601-800 in the world in the fields of “Life Sciences” and “Clinics and Health”. Near East University has made its name among the top 5 universities in Turkey in all categories.

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “Our ranking at the top among the TRNC and Turkey universities in 7 categories, where we are shown among the best in the world, is a result of our international university identity and versatile scientific research ability.”
Reminding that the rankings announced by the London-based higher education rating agency Times Higher Education are considered the most important indicator of academic success all over the world, Near East Enterprises Board of Trustees Chairman Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “We ranked first among the universities of Northern Cyprus in all 7 categories in the ‘2024 World University Field Ranking’ research announced today. In addition, our university was listed first in Turkey in the field of ‘Physical Sciences’ and second in ‘Engineering’ and ‘Computer Sciences’. “We were shown as one of the top 5 universities in Turkey in the categories of ‘Education’, ‘Social Sciences’, ‘Life Sciences’ and ‘Clinical and Health’.”

Emphasizing that Near East University’s international university identity and versatile scientific research capabilities are the result of Near East University’s international university identity and versatile scientific research capabilities, as it is ranked at the top among the TRNC and Turkey universities in 7 categories where it is shown among the best in the world. Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “As an international university that has students from 143 countries of the world and has made dozens of international collaborations, we conduct research, develop products and share our results with the scientific world. The rankings announced by Times Higher Education also show the respected place we have in the world of science.”

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “The announcement of the results of the research on these days when we celebrate the 100th foundation anniversary of our motherland, the Republic of Turkey, made our happiness even greater. I congratulate all our scientists who have played a major role in this success with their scientific projects, research and publications and who continue their scientific work productively.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “I wholeheartedly congratulate all my colleagues who contributed greatly to this success and with whom I am honored to be companions.”
Pointing out that Near East University is ranked first among the TRNC and Turkey universities in the field of “Physical Sciences”, where it was included for the first time this year in the “2024 World Universities Field Ranking”, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “We were shown as one of the top two universities in Turkey in the field of Computer Sciences and Engineering. We are among the top 5 universities in Turkey in other fields as well. The announced results are a result of our scientific productivity, which we have systematically increased with our more than 40 research centers, our collaborations with international institutions and the support we provide to qualified research.”

Reminding that they are among the best universities in the world in 7 of the 11 categories revealed by Times Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “I wholeheartedly congratulate all my colleagues, who have contributed greatly to this success, who have made great contributions to all fields of science with their selflessly and qualified research, and with whom I am honored to be companions.”

You can review the field rankings in the “World University Rankings 2024 – World University Rankings 2023” announced by Times Higher Education from the link below.