Near East University hosted the “Marketing Training Camp” that lasted four days
Date Added: 26 April 2023, 12:40

The fact that digital technologies have become an indispensable part of life has also changed marketing, which is one of the most important parts of the economy. Organized by the Near East University, the “Marketing Training Camp” event, where the expert academicians and students of the field, discussed the future of marketing.

Within the scope of the academic cooperation protocol signed between the Near East University and OSTİM Technical University, the subjects of “Value in Marketing” and “Guerilla Marketing” were discussed in the four-day event, which was held in cooperation with the two universities.

The subjects of “Value Concepts in Marketing” and “Guerilla Marketing” were discussed.
At the event organized with the participation of Near East University, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Head of Business Department Prof. Dr. Şerife Eyüpoğlu and OSTİM Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Head of Marketing Department Prof. Dr. Elif Akagün Ergin, the first presentation was made by Near East University Head of Marketing Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ertugan on “Marketing Value / The Concept of Value in Marketing”. On the second day, where Assist. Prof. Dr. Günay Sadıkoğlu took part as a speaker, the subject of “Consumer Psychology” was under the spotlight. On the third day of the event, Prof. Dr. Elif Akagün Ergin came together with the participants with a presentation on “Guerilla Marketing” . The event, which was held with wide participation and great interest, ended with a ceremony where certificates were presented to the participants.

In the event held, Shadi Sabır, Happiness Agwoeu Odike, Elvis Onyedika Enwere, Günay Hacıvelioğlu and Tülinsu Saraçoğlu from Near East University and Hiba Alnur Ahmed, Belkiss Bouzaienne, Mohammed Ali Yonous Albokhait, Efe Ertürk from OSTİM Technical University also participated.

The collaboration will continue to be developed!
Reminding that they have made academic collaborations with many universities from Turkey and various countries of the world, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said that OSTİM Technical University, located in the OSTİM Organized Industrial Zone in Ankara, is one of these institutions. Emphasizing that they aim to move forward with innovation studies, academic programs, international workshops and conferences as part of the academic cooperation between the two universities, Prof. Dr.. Şanlıdağ said that this cooperation will make an important scientific contribution to both universities.

Near East University Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Head of the Department of Business Administration Prof. Dr. Şerife Eyüpoğlu, on the other hand, underlined the importance of reinforcing the theoretical background acquired by the students in the courses with academic activities and said, “The Marketing Training Camp we organized in cooperation with OSTİM Technical University was very productive in this respect.”