Near East University Hospital published the 14th issue of the “Near Health” magazine…
Date Added: 28 November 2021, 17:52
Last Updated Date:29 November 2021, 11:42

The 14th issue of the “Near Health” magazine, which is published every six months by the Near East University Hospital in order to strengthen the health awareness in the society, was published. It is possible to read Near Health, which shares the latest innovations in the medical world with its readers, free of charge. In the 14th issue of the journal, many subjects, from nutrition to dental health, especially COVID-19, which continues its impact worldwide, from skin to pediatric diseases are discussed from different aspects.

Health in the days of COVID-19
In the new issue of Near Health, COVID-19 is discussed with its different aspects and effects. One of the most interesting content on the subject is Near East University Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Department Head Prof. Dr. İsmet Gün’s article which is focusing on “Pregnancy in the days of COVID-19”. Prof. Dr. Gün shares detailed information about the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant women by giving information from case studies conducted to date. Assist. Prof. Dr. Didem Muallaaziz, on the other hand, explains the effects of mask use, which has become one of the parts of daily life with COVID-19, on the skin and how to fight acne caused by the use of masks called “maskne”. While Dr. Oğuz Han Edebal addressed the laboratory studies, which have a very important place in the fight against COVID-19, with the title “Behind the Scenes”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Pembe Hare Yiğitoğlu Çeto lists exercise recommendations for people who are inactive at home during the pandemic period. Specialist Clinical Psychologist Tuğçe Denizgil Evre discusses the effects of COVID-19 on people with psychiatric disorders.

Artificial intelligence in healthcare
Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı’s article “Artificial Intelligence in Health”, in which he discusses how artificial intelligence-supported applications in the health sector and how artificial intelligence will transform health services, is one of the contents you should definitely read. In his article, Prof. Dr. Bulakbaşı states that with artificial intelligence-supported health services, patients will have the opportunity to follow up and treat at home in the near future, preventive treatments for disease causes will develop, and complex procedures that require special expertise will become widespread through remote access.

Completely free with rich content
In the 14th issue of Near Health, there are enlightening articles from experts on many subjects such as eye diseases, dental health, child health, skin health, nutrition, gynecological diseases and obesity. In addition, the automobile and travel pages in the magazine allow you to have a fun time while being informed about your health. It is also possible to read the magazine, which is published by the Near East University Hospital every six months, online on the hospital’s website.