Near East University Hospital is ready for treatment with the immune plasma method developed against COVID-19 and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the Near East University Hospital started a study in consultation with the Ministry of Health on the provision and use of immune plasma of patients who recovered from coronavirus in the other patients requiring Covid treatment.
In the statement made by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, plasma treatment is one of the recommended potential treatments in the interim declaration published by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the developing COVID-19 outbreak and it was announced that studies to determine the effectiveness of pandemic treatment would be conducted. Similarly, a scientific study evaluating the drugs used in the new coronavirus infection by Near East University researchers revealed that plasma treatment may be among the primary options.
Plasma will be obtained from the blood of people who have recovered from coronavirus ...
It is known that there are anti-virus antibodies in the plasma content that will be obtained from the blood of recovered people who have had a new Coronavirus infection. In this study, blood samples to be collected from people who have recovered and developed immunity will be separated into plasma via the Apheresis method and stored for therapeutic purposes after necessary tests are performed. Plasma treatment will be used for the reduction of mortality in critically ill patients in need of intensive care as well as reducing the need for intensive care.