Near East University Green Campus Project has been initiated via seminars
Date Added: 25 February 2016, 14:16
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 10:10

The Green Campus Project was initiated with the aim to create a healthy environment, a brighter future and a green campus and in this regard, the first of the seminars to follow, “Environment, the significance of the environment and Recycling” was given to teachers of Near East Junior College teachers by Head of Department of Landscape Architecture of Near East University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Özden Fuller.

According to the press release by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Özden Fuller drew attention to the status of the environment and gave examples of how to overcome environmental problems. She emphasised that over time, the air, water and earth was getting more polluted and that in big cities the industry was making the situation worse. She added that the hole in the ozone layer, and an increase in global warming, cancer incidents and similar fatal and a decrease in natural resources all indicated that there was a need to take action to protect the environment.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Fuller: “We must take all necessary actions to keep the environment clean, preserve it and cope with the rate of global warming!”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Fuller expressed that everybody needed to take action to preserve the environment and for a cleaner and greener environment, there was a need to manage our wastes and recycle. She added that we should not waste electricity power and water in cases not needed, to prefer to use public transport or either to walk or cycle to our destinations, to share knowledge on environment and do anything possible to keep our environment “clean and green’.

“It is highly significant NOT to pollute the environment and recycle our wastes!”

In addition to the above, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Fuller emphasised the significance of putting a stop to environmental pollution and to the need to recycle our wastes. She stressed that we could all begin this by providing recycling bins on the NEU campus, and help create awareness on recycling and promote environmental awareness and care in all age groups. She expressed thanks to Near East Junior College teachers for the support provided.

Hasan Yükselen: “Through the Green Campus Project, we will raise individuals who are aware and care for the environment, in return, make a contribution to the environment and the economy via recycling!”

It was revealed that the Headmaster of the Near East Junior College (NEJC) Hasan Yükselen made a short statement, assuring that they fully supported the project and that the teachers of the NEJC would be doing their parts to raise individuals who are aware and care for the environment. He emphasised that raising environmental awareness at young age groups was highly essential and significant as they were the ones to take care of the environment in the future. He ended his words by assuring that through the “Green Campus Project” they aimed to raise individuals who are aware and care for the environment, in return, making a contribution to the environment and the economy via recycling!”