Near East University Grand Library will celebrate the Library Week March 29 – April 4 with Author Interview, Film Screening and “I Read Books” Activities
Date Added: 31 March 2021, 07:33
Last Updated Date:12 April 2022, 15:24

While the Near East University Grand Library is standing out as the most comprehensive information access center of the region at international standards with 2.2 million printed books and 650 million digital resources, it has been continuing to enrich the cultural life as an important cultural center with the activities it organizes.

The Grand Library raises awareness with 57th library week activities
Near East University Grand Library will start the celebrations of the 29 March – 4 April Library Week with the event “I Read Books” to be held on Wednesday, March 31 at 12:00. On the same day, at 14:00, an online interview will be held with the first Turkish sailor, writer Osman Atasoy, who sailed around the world and went to Antarctica. There will be an interview with Prof. Dr. Esra Karabacak on “Rare Artifacts as Cultural Heritage Elements”. At 20:00, the screening of the movie “Dead Poets Society” will be held. On Friday, April 02 at 14:00, a music concert will be held by the students of the Department of Music Education at the Near East University Grand Library.

Near East University Grand Library is in the Service of the people with its rich content
In addition to its books and electronic resources, the Near East University Grand Library has been continuing to serve with its DVD collection of more than 7 thousand, 75 volumes written in Braille alphabet for visually impaired users, more than 750 Turkish / English audiobooks, and Children’s Library. The Grand Library, which is open 24/7, provides easy access to information with its English-Turkish Law database, visual media library, and a service unit for the disabled, while also bringing together a hundred-year-old collection of rare works.

At the Grand Library, where Official Gazettes are archived by the decision of the TRNC Council of Ministers, there are also important sections such as the special collection from 1910 and before, the reserve section, the audio-visual material section and the “Atila Turkish Archive Room” consisting of 6 thousand printed books and personal notes. The Near East University Grand Library was selected as the “Turkic World Central Library” in 2007. Having the Interlibrary Cooperation Tracking System, it also provides the opportunity to exchange books and articles with all libraries that are members of the system.