Near East University graduate student Fatma Bender’s study examining the relationship between material and light in stage design was published in the “Social Science Development Journal”
Date Added: 02 August 2023, 06:15

Near East University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Art and Design Department, graduate student Fatma Bender’s article titled “The Relationship between Material and Light in Stage Design”, in which she conducted research on the relationship between material and light in stage design, was published in the “Social Science Development Journal”, which includes studies in the field of social sciences.

In the study, which originated from Fatma Bender’s master’s thesis, the integrity of the relationship between material and light in stage design was discussed in terms of performing arts practices. In the research, it was stated that the designer should have knowledge of light and materials in order to use the visual effect consisting of the relationship between stage design and material consciously. At the end of the study, it was also emphasized that flexibility in material variety should be used in order to achieve the desired visual effect on the stage. The research, which was carried out to determine the visual effects arising from the interaction of the materials used in the stage design with the light, observed the results of the application of various materials on different surfaces. For the practical work, the performance named “Pygmalion” was staged at the TRNC State Theatre. Observations were made on this performance, and data were obtained by using various experiments and field studies. In the post-dramatic physical stage performance “Pygmalion” staged for the project, it was stated that this dual relationship has an important place in the stage performances, while revealing important results about the relationship between design materials and light.

Stage design, costume materials and the effect of lights were examined…
For the stage design, transparent, translucent and opaque materials were used in the decor and costume materials, while organic and synthetic fabrics were preferred as the costume material, and materials with glossy-matte and rough-smooth surfaces were used. It has been revealed that the data obtained with photographs made under white light and eight different colored stage lights, the structural properties of the design materials and the surface structures reflect different visual results with the effect of colored lights. As a result of the study, it was also stated that the visual effect is perceived as brightness, opacity and light reflections.

Bender’s research, published in the “Social Science Development Journal”, was supervised by the Head of the Plastic Arts Department of the Near East University Fine Arts and Design Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Yazgın.