Near East University Faculty of Agriculture organized an “Introduction to Permaculture” course to popularize Permaculture, one of the new agricultural production models aiming at a sustainable life.
Date Added: 21 December 2021, 15:57

While the increasing world population and growing urban areas decrease the agricultural areas, new agricultural production models such as “Permaculture”, which is based on the continuation of agricultural production in smaller and self-sufficient areas, necessitate. The aim of permaculture is to bring plants, animals and people together in nature to create easy-care, stable and self-sufficient production sites.

Near East University Faculty of Agriculture and Tahsin Tural Permaculture Center organized an “Introduction to Permaculture” course to teach theoretically and practically the Permaculture agricultural production model, of which prevalence is increasing rapidly today.

The course was held on 18-19 December with a limited number of participants due to the pandemic process. During the course, Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Dean Prof. Dr. Özge Özden, Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Deputy Dean Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel, EERLIJKEKOST Community Farm Manager from Belgium, Permaculturist Kristien Debought, Turkish Permaculture Association President, Agricultural Economist Filiz Nur and ecotourist Zekai Altan took place as trainers.

Theoretical training was given on the first day of the course, and practical application lessons were given on the second day. In practical application, seed ball making, aromatic plant spiral, raised plant beds were covered. After the course, certificates were presented to the participants.

Prof. Dr. Özge Özden: “Permaculture agriculture is an extremely important agricultural production model to ensure sustainable living standards.”
Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Dean Prof. Dr. Özge Özden said that permaculture agriculture is an extremely important agricultural production model in order to ensure sustainable living standards of countries in today’s living conditions. Prof. Dr. Özden said, “Effective use of natural resources is essential in permaculture agriculture.” She added that it is very important to know and protect natural assets in the region where the application will be made, to ensure energy recycling, to target zero waste, to establish a sustainable system such as ethical sharing of the products obtained among individuals.