Near East University Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Sorakın gave a “Success and Motivation” seminar to the students of 4 Process Training Center, hosted by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce
Date Added: 09 October 2023, 08:43

Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Sorakın gave a “Success and Motivation” seminar to the students of 4 Process Training Center.

At the event hosted by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce in order to support the sports, artistic and academic achievements of the students in the new academic term, Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department faculty member Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Sorakın gave a “Success and Motivation” seminar to the students of 4 Process Training Center.

In the seminar, which was given interactively with students’ questions, the section that attracted the most attention and where question and answer participation was intense was how to act for conscious internet use.

In the symposium, where issues such as healthy nutrition and quality sleep were discussed among the factors affecting success, responsibilities such as studying habits and completing homework on time were also touched upon. While information was given about what students should do to focus their attention in class, individual responsibilities regarding how their study desk and room should be were also discussed. At the symposium, real success stories were also shared with children and their dreams and thoughts about the future were discussed.

Motivation is the most important source of success!
Stating that motivating students has a great contribution to their success rates in educational life, Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Sorakın stated that motivation is the driving force that enables individuals to take action in their lives. Emphasizing that motivation is the power that covers people’s expectations, wishes, needs and interests and directs behavior, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sorakın stated that such seminars have a significant impact on children.