Near East University conference series focusing on water and sustainable environmental management brought together 300 scientists from 50 universities and institutions from 27 countries
Date Added: 18 December 2023, 09:36

27 countries with 13 invited speakers attended the 3rd International Conference on Water Problems in Mediterranean Countries (WPMC) and the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Management (NRSEM) organized by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Near East University with the participation of 300 scientists from 50 universities. The results of the conferences, of which opening and closing ceremonies were held with the participation of President Ersin Tatar, will guide the policies to be developed on a sustainable environment, which is one of the most important agendas of today.

During the two-day conferences, water-related problems in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world, especially in the Mediterranean region, and current issues regarding sustainable management of natural resources and environmental sustainability were discussed. During the conference, scientists from China, Turkey, Iran, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, India, France, Morocco, Croatia, Algeria, Nigeria, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Bangladesh, Libya, USA, England and TRNC presented their studies on the subject.

The opening speeches of the conference, which started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, were made by President Ersin Tatar, Mayor of Gönyeli-Alayköy Hüseyin Amcaoğlu, President of the Chamber of Civil Engineers affiliated with the Union of Chambers of Turkish Cypriot Engineers and Architects Gürkan Yağcıoğlu, Founding President and Secretary General of the Turkish World Union of Engineers and Architects Dr. İlyas Demirci, Rector of Near East University Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, Rector of University of Kyrenia Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu and Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş. In addition to the President, the Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Hüseyin Çavuş, also attended the closing ceremony of the conferences.

The proceedings book, which brings together the papers presented at the 3rd International Water Problems in Mediterranean Countries and the 6th International Natural Resources and Sustainable Environmental Management conferences, will be published on Monday, January 17 and will be shared with the scientific world.

President Ersin Tatar: “Instead of acting in line with our individual interests, we should seek global solutions.”
President Ersin Tatar, who started his speech by stating that he admires the studies of Near East University in the fields of environment and natural resources, said, “We are all trying to take precautions to protect our environment. We must leave this beautiful island as a livable environment for future generations.”

Stating that there are global conflicts in environmental studies, President Tatar said, “The main thing is the future of our world. That’s why we must pay attention to this issue. Instead of acting in line with our individual interests, we should seek global solutions. We are trying to fulfill our duties. We use the resources, we have to protect the environment and nature through various projects. The water project we brought to our island from the Republic of Turkey is a great example of this.” Stating that a great service has been done to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by bringing water from Turkey and that they are ready to share the water with the Greek side, President Tatar stated that a great gain has been achieved by bringing the water that previously flowed into the sea from Anatolia to the island.

President Tatar also talked about bringing electricity from Turkey with a two-way cable and said that they made an offer to the Greek Cypriot side to be included in the interconnected system that will be connected to the European Union via Turkey, which is cheaper and safer. He stated that thanks to the two-way cable, renewable energy in Cyprus can be transferred to the other side.

Hüseyin Çavuş: “Regional cooperation and shared experiences can inspire us to find common solutions to water problems and natural resource management.”
Speaking at the closing of the conference, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş, in his closing speech, emphasized that agriculture is one of the key sectors that form the basis of every country, and said, “Water, natural resources and environmental management issues are of critical importance for the sustainability of agriculture.” Minister Çavuş said, “I follow with great interest the effects of water, natural resources, climate change, and sustainable environmental management problems on the agricultural sector in our country and the region and try to produce solutions. This conference is a great opportunity for me to focus on these problems and evaluate the latest research and solutions emerging in this field.”

Stating that the results of this conference will have a significant impact on the sustainability and efficiency of the country’s agriculture, Çavuş said, “The new information, strategies and solution suggestions received on the issues in question will help us make our agricultural sector more resilient, efficient and environmentally friendly. At the same time, regional cooperation and shared experiences can inspire us to find common solutions to water problems and natural resource management.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “I believe that we should see the effort to establish a sustainable future as one of our most fundamental purposes of existence.”
Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ started his opening speech by saying “The sustainability of our waters and natural environment plays a critical role in terms of economic development, social welfare and ecological balance.” Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “In this period, when we are faced with challenges such as climate change, marine pollution and biodiversity loss, we must deepen our understanding of sustainability and focus on taking strategic steps.”

In the face of all these problems, emphasizing that raising public awareness is as important as science, technology and innovation, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “Undoubtedly, universities and scientists have very important duties in this regard. In fact, I believe that we should now see the effort to establish a sustainable future as one of our most fundamental purposes of existence.”

Speaking on the international research and achievements of Near East University, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “We organize more than a thousand scientific events every year at our university, which also hosts one these important conferences today. The focus of these events is the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, innovative technologies and the integration of these technologies into traditional areas. At the same time, we continue to share the outputs of our research and studies with the scientific world with our scientific publications, which reached 1,700 in 2022.”

Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu: “In order to create a more livable world and a healthier environment, cooperation should be made with scientists and scientific studies should be given priority.”
University of Kyrenia Rector Prof. started his speech by stating that it is extremely important to seek solutions to the problems caused by climate changes. Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu said, “Addressing these issues allows us to look at the future with hope.”

Emphasizing that many people will experience water scarcity in the near future, Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu stated that all states should act in global harmony to address this problem. Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu said, “In order to create a more livable world and a healthier environment, cooperation should be made with scientists and scientific studies should be given priority. Only in this way can we provide a more livable world by producing realistic and effective solutions.”

Hüseyin Amcaoğlu: “Proper water management is of critical importance.”
Gönyeli-Alayköy Mayor Hüseyin Amcaoğlu, who emphasized that their basic management philosophy since the day they took office was to trust the guidance of science and to go in the light of science, said that they cooperated with the Near East University.

Stating that one of the most important areas of sustainable environmental management is water management, Amcaoğlu said, “Today, we are experiencing the most important problem we face with energy, as well as water. The Republic of Turkey’s transportation to the TRNC under the sea put an end to the problems that had been waiting for a solution for years. Managing this water efficiently is an important responsibility for us. We have a water leakage of almost 40-45 percent in the Gönyeli region. We cannot manage water effectively and have a serious leakage problem. Proper water management is of critical importance.”

Drawing attention to climate change, Hüseyin Amcaoğlu said, “Climate change is one of the most important problems we face today. We experience significant, extreme changes between seasons by being exposed to extreme climatic events. We must see the seriousness of this problem and fulfill our responsibility. As a municipality, we established the Climate Change Adaptation Center consisting of scientists and organized a workshop within this framework. In this workshop, we started to take concrete steps to overcome the problem of climate change by creating a common road map. Our goal is for these efforts to set an example for other institutions and communities.”

Dr. İlyas Demirci: “We can deal with the climate crisis by acting jointly and combining our forces.”
Starting his speech by emphasizing the importance of water and its use, Founding President and Secretary General of the Turkish World Union of Engineers and Architects, Dr. İlyas Demirci said, “Water, which has shaped civilizations throughout history and has an important place in the struggle for existence of states, is indispensable for life.”

Dr. Demirci also pointed out the importance of environmentally friendly, smart urbanization for a sustainable world. İlyas Demirci referred to the importance of local governments in combating climate change for the future of humanity and the world. Stating that the climate crisis is one of the most important problems of our age, Dr. İlyas Demirci said, “We can cope with the climate crisis by uniting our collective actions and forces.” Emphasizing that the information and solution suggestions obtained by various stakeholders coming together at the conference are of great importance, especially for the Mediterranean environment, Dr. İlyas Demirci thanked all participants.

Gürkan Yağcıoğlu: “Getting away from the consumption economy and transitioning to a circular economy is an issue of great importance for both country administratives and individuals.”
Gürkan Yağcıoğlu, President of the Chamber of Civil Engineers affiliated with the Union of Chambers of Turkish Cypriot Engineers and Architects, started his speech by emphasizing that civil engineers have an important responsibility in establishing sustainable cities, and made a self-criticism and said that civil engineers also have a large share in the damage caused to the environment. Gürkan Yağcıoğlu said, “Getting away from the consumption economy and transitioning to a circular economy is an issue of great importance for both country administratives and individuals. This transition aims to use resources efficiently and supports sustainability while minimizing waste.”

Yağcıoğlu also emphasized the responsibility of policy makers and said, “For a sustainable urbanization, policy makers are responsible for encouraging this transformation and supporting it with policies and strategies. At the same time, as individuals, we must develop habits to use natural resources more effectively and reduce waste production,”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş: “We are providing scientific solutions on this important issue by bringing together scientists and politicians from all over the world.”
Pointing out that natural resources, including vital elements such as water and energy, play a very important role in sustaining life and ensuring environmental balance, Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş emphasized that the management and protection of these resources is mandatory for the well-being of societies and ecosystems.
Stating that water-related challenges are becoming increasingly evident in the Mediterranean region, Prof. Dr. Gökçekuş said “Various international reports highlighted the vulnerability of Mediterranean countries to water scarcity, drought and other climate-related impacts. The region faces a unique set of conditions that exacerbate water-related challenges, including arid climates, rising temperatures, and population growth. These factors increase the pressure on water resources, posing significant challenges for both the environment and the human population.”

Stating that both conferences are very important platforms to address the concerns of Mediterranean countries about the water problem, Prof. Dr. Gökçekuş said that in this way, a collaborative approach was established between the government and the scientific community. Prof. Gökçekuş, who also chaired the conference, “With these conferences we hold every year, we bring together scientists and politicians from all over the world and offer scientific solutions on this important issue.”