Near East University Communication Faculty Journalism Department students held a documentary photography workshop in the Great Inn
Date Added: 08 November 2021, 14:53

Near East University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism held a documentary photography workshop in the Great Inn, Nicosia. Faculty students who participated in the workshop held by Journalism Department Lecturer Mert Yusuf Özlük carried out a study to improve their practical skills in the historical place. The students, who took shots from various perspectives to reflect the spirit of the Great Inn in their photographs, also had the opportunity to get to know the history of Cyprus more closely.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayça D. Atay: “While our international students were applying their theoretical knowledge, they also learned about the history of Cyprus.”
Near East University Head of Journalism Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayça D. Atay stated that they attach great importance to reinforcing the knowledge gained academically in the courses with practice, and said that they brought their students together through history with the workshop they organized in the Great Inn, while creating an opportunity to practice at the same time. Noting that the Near East University, which is an international university, has students from many countries, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atay stated that besides the academic responsibilities of the department, they also aim to inform students more about the island of Cyprus.

Mert Yusuf Özlük: “With documentary photography, we create an opportunity for students to perceive the artistic side of photography as well as the technical aspects of photography.”
Journalism Department Lecturer Mert Yusuf Özlük, who carried out the documentary photography workshop held in the Great Inn, stated that the results of the study were fruitful so that students could better understand the essence of documentary photography. He emphasized that the practice aimed at developing students’ using light, framing and perspective skills created an opportunity for students to perceive the artistic side of photography as well as the technical aspects.