Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education Classroom Teaching students gifted the “Mathematical Models and Materials” they prepared for use in mathematics courses to Dikmen Primary School
Date Added: 18 January 2024, 16:24

Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education Department of Classroom Teaching students presented the materials they prepared for use as educational materials within the scope of the mathematics courses to Dikmen Primary School.

Materials prepared by students of Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education, Department of Classroom Teaching aim to contribute to students who have difficulty in learning mathematics and to help them establish a connection between mathematics and problems more effectively in daily life. All materials created include mathematical models and modeling processes adapted from real life.

Students will gain the ability to solve real-life problems using mathematics

Near East teacher candidates, who gifted the materials they prepared to Dikmen Primary School, expressed their great happiness that the posters they prepared would be used as educational materials by primary school students. Dikmen Primary School Principal Özgül Davulcu stated that they always prioritize success in their schools and that they are very happy with this meaningful contribution made by Near Eastern teacher candidates to their schools.

Near East University Primary Mathematics Teaching Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Murat Tezer took part in the execution of the project and emphasized that the aim of the project is to increase the achievement of primary school students in mathematics. Prof. Dr. Tezer stated that new education and training theories have been used in the preparation of the materials and said, “The prepared materials will provide students with the ability to solve real life problems using mathematics. In this way, students’ ties with mathematics will be strengthened.”