Near East University Animal Hospital has launched a special campaign for farm animal breeders with the aim of healthy and efficient breeding!
Date Added: 10 April 2023, 06:32

The campaign launched by Near East University Animal Hospital and Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for all cattle, sheep and poultry breeders will provide services for healthier and more efficient aquaculture with farm visits, nutritional diseases, consultancy in ration regulation and feed analysis.

Animal breeding, which has great importance for humanity in every period of history, is becoming more important today and in the future due to changing climatic conditions. One of the most important points that will determine the future of animal husbandry is the increase in productivity to be achieved by scientific methods.

With the special campaign launched for farm animal breeders in cooperation with the Near East University Animal Hospital and the Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutrition, a healthier and more efficient breeding can be achieved for all cattle, sheep and poultry breeders in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

A total of five different options are offered in the campaign; It is aimed to ensure a healthier and more efficient aquaculture with farm visits that will take place twice a month for a minimum of six months, feed analysis, ration regulation and nutritional diseases consultancy that controls all nutritional needs and the ratios of its mixtures within 24 hours.

Dr. Mehmet İsfendiyaroğlu: “With the campaign we organized, we aim to support our breeders for a healthier and more productive aquaculture.”
Providing information about the special campaign launched for livestock breeders in cooperation with Near East University Animal Hospital and Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Near East University Animal Hospital Chief Physician Dr. Mehmet İsfendiyaroğlu said, “Animal breeding is extremely important for a sustainable life and food supply. Thus, we aim to support our breeders for healthier and more productive aquaculture with the campaign we organized.”

Stating that the most important issues that determine the productivity and health of farm animals are regular health checks and a conscious nutrition program, Dr. Mehmet İsfendiyaroğlu said, “We aim to stand by our farm animal breeders with services such as campaign nutrition and feed analysis, ration regulation and farm visits.”