Near East University and Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality signed a cooperation protocol to develop projects that will increase service efficiency with the use of technology in many fields from energy to waste management, from traffic to transportation.
Date Added: 11 August 2023, 08:48
Last Updated Date:14 August 2023, 06:07

The development of technology creates new opportunities for the solution of many problems arising from rapid urbanization all over the world. “Smart city applications”, which have been on our agenda in recent years, also play a key role at this point. These applications based on technology aim for a more efficient, social, accessible, egalitarian, technological, and livable city vision for a sustainable future.

Near East University and Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality aim to bring the use of technology in city management to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with the comprehensive cooperation protocol they signed. Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, Mayor of Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Hüseyin Amcaoğlu, and Dean of Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş signed the protocol which aims to develop educational activities and joint projects between the two institutions.

Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality aims for a sustainable structure in city management!
The focus of the protocol signed between the Near East University and Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality aims to carry out joint projects in education, science, culture and arts in all fields of education, to conduct joint scientific research, to organize joint scientific and technical trips, sportive activities and scientific meetings, as well as providing solutions on energy consumption. Developing energy projects will increase efficiency with the use of technology in many areas from waste management to traffic and transportation.

At the signing ceremony of the protocol, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, Mayor of Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Hüseyin Amcaoğlu and Dean of Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş made statements.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “There is a great need for innovative practices for a sustainable environment and urban life in Northern Cyprus.”
Taking the first floor at the signing ceremony, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ stated that the cooperation with Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality will provide significant benefits to the region with the projects to be implemented while providing the basis for academic and scientific studies. Underlining that there is a huge need for innovative practices for a sustainable environment and urban life in Northern Cyprus, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ reminded that Near East University has an important experience that can produce solutions to big problems with its innovative technologies. Stating that they will cooperate with Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality in this direction, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “Having a young and visionary president is a great achievement for the people of Gönyeli-Alayköy. With the cooperation protocol we signed, we will put the Near East University’s capabilities and vision on top of it, and together with Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality, we will sign exemplary projects, especially in the fields of recycling and smart city.”

Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Mayor Hüseyin Amcaoğlu: “Within the framework of the protocol we signed with the Near East University, we will undertake studies that will increase efficiency, especially in water, energy and waste management.”
Stating that they attach great importance to the cooperation protocol they signed with the Near East University, Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Mayor Hüseyin Amcaoğlu said, “We have always had a management approach that attaches importance to and respects science. In this context, we have no doubt that this cooperation with the Near East University, which has achieved many scientific achievements in the world, will turn into a very productive work.” Emphasizing that climate changes and sustainable environmental problems have turned into important issues to be considered in urban management, Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Mayor Hüseyin Amcaoğlu said, “Within the framework of the protocol we signed with the Near East University as Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality, we will focus on practices that will increase efficiency, especially in water, energy and waste management. We will carry out works that will set an example in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus”.

Stating that they have also completed the establishment of the Climate Change Adaptation Center within the municipality, Amcaoğlu stated that they are examining what can be done in the fight against the climate crisis regionally and that they will apply to the guidance of science for the road map they will draw. Amcaoğlu said, “We will receive support from the Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering in many issues such as the solution of the traffic problem that has become gangrenous in the region, and the shaping of the zoning plan work that will come to the agenda in the near future with the vision of a sustainable city.”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş: “I would like to thank the Mayor of Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Hüseyin Amcaoğlu for his vision.”
Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş, on the other hand, emphasized that he has lived in Gönyeli for 63 years and expressed his happiness to serve Gönyeli with the help of vast experience and potential of Near East University. Prof. Dr. Gökçekuş said, “Such integrated practices can only be implemented with a forward-thinking management approach. I would like to thank the Mayor of Gönyeli-Alayköy Municipality Hüseyin Amcaoğlu for his vision.”