Near East University and Botanical University of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences strengthen cooperation within the scope of protection of the environment and biological diversity
Date Added: 06 October 2022, 15:38

Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Deputy Dean and Near East University Herbarium and Natural History Museum Director Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel attended the “Biological Diversity, Soil and Water Resources of Shusha and Its Environment: Looking to the Future” meeting held by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

During the meetings held in Azerbaijan between 20-26 September, Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel participated as the guest of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and was agreed that the cooperation between the two countries should be strengthened and continued within the scope of protecting the environment and biological diversity.

Paper on medicinal plants of the TRNC presented in Azerbaijan
Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel made a presentation on the medicinal plants of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus at the meeting, which he attended as a guest of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Dr. Gücel also talked about the renewed standards of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the employees of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Botanical Institute, and touched upon the protection needs of “Delphinium caseyi”, one of the endemic plants of Cyprus. At the same time, he gave information about the reproductive biology of Minuartia nyphensis, one of the endemic species of the vegetation of the subalpine region, which is located between the forest belt and the permanent snow border in Western Anatolia in Turkey.

In the seminar, which took place with intense participation, the General Director of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Botanical Institute Prof. Dr. Sayyara Ibadullayeva shared comprehensive information about the institute’s scientific research aspects, international relations, joint projects implemented, and plants on the red list.

Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel: “We have reached an agreement on the development of new collaborations by developing our close relations with the Botanical Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.”
Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Deputy Dean and Near East University Herbarium and Natural History Museum Director Prof. Dr. Salih Gücel, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan in the protection of the environment and biological diversity, said, “As the Near East University Herbarium and Natural History Museum and the Botanical Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, we have reached an agreement on the development of new cooperations by developing the close relations.” Prof. Dr. Gücel said that there are ample opportunities to conduct joint projects and research on biodiversity, and to exchange personnel and experience between the two institutions.

Prof. Dr. Özge Özden: “We will continue to develop international cooperation by taking responsibility for the protection of the biological diversity of our country and the world.”
Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Founding Dean Prof. Dr. Özge Özden, on the other hand, emphasized that they attach importance to international collaborations and projects as a faculty, and said, “We will continue to develop international collaborations as a requirement of the vision of the Near East University by taking responsibility for the protection of the biological diversity of our country and the world.”

Reminding that the Faculty of Agriculture is the youngest faculty of the Near East University, Prof. Dr. Özge Özden said, “The issues related to the local vegetation of Cyprus are extremely important in terms of protecting the natural assets of the TRNC and transferring them to future generations. We also carry out our studies upon this awareness.”