Near East Primary School and Near East Preschool students achieved a 100 percent success rate in the DELF Premium exam approved by the French Ministry of National Education.
Date Added: 14 August 2023, 06:16

Near East Pre-School and Near East Primary School have been continuing education in French since 2018 in order to provide their students with a second foreign language that they have an advanced command of, in addition to English. Near East students, who receive 5 lessons of French per week starting from the pre-school level at the Nicosia, Kyrenia, and Yeniboğaziçi campuses, achieved a 100 percent success rate in the “DELF Premium” exams implemented by the French Institute. All of the 69 Near East students, who took the exam, successfully passed the exam.

DELF Prim is a French language proficiency certification exam given by the French Ministry of Education and designed specifically for children in primary education. It aims to measure children’s communication skills in French by evaluating four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. DELF certificates are recognized with lifetime validity by public institutions, banks, the private sector, and French-Turkish companies all over the world and in Turkey. These diplomas are also required to enroll in French or francophone universities, apply for scholarships from the French Embassy and other institutions, and apply for immigration to Canada and Quebec.

Ertan Aligüllü: “At the ceremony that we will hold right after the opening of the schools, we will deliver lifelong certificates of achievement to our students.”
Reminding that they prepare the students of Near East Primary School, Near East Yeniboğaziçi Primary School, and Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia Primary School for life with a mastery of English at the mother tongue level, Near East Primary Education Head Ertan Aligüllü said, “We have been continuing French language teaching since 2018 in order to teach our students a second language, starting from the pre-school level.”

Stating that they also offer their students the opportunity to take the “DELF Premium” exam approved by the French Ministry of National Education, in order to measure the French language skills they have developed throughout the qualified language education they have received, Aligüllü said, “All of our 69 students who participated in the DELF exams held at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year received a certificate of achievement at the end of the exam. Thus, our students achieved 100 percent success in the DELF Premium exam.”

Congratulating his students and French teachers for their success, Near East Primary Education Head Ertan Aligüllü said, “We will deliver life-long certificates of achievement to our students at the ceremony we will hold right after the opening of the schools.”