Near East Institute and Societal Research and Development Center of Near East University Collaboratively Execute a Resounding Project on ‘Formation of National Database for Accessible Society’
Date Added: 16 March 2018, 11:38
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 14:08

In order to remove the barriers that limit accessibility of the people with specific needs in the society, Near East Institute and the Societal Research and Development Center of Near East University collaboratively carry out the project titled 'Formation of National Database for Accessible Society'. The project attaches a major importance on promoting and ensuring an accessible and inclusive society for persons with disabilities.

In order to introduce the project and provide information regarding the goals of the project, Prof. Dr. Zehra Altınay, the project executor and the Director of the Societal Research and Development Center, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Koldaş, the Director of the Near East Institute, and projects coordinator Dr. Mustafa Çıraklı had their first meeting by paying a visit of courtesy to Ahmet Benli, the Chairman of the Association of Cyprus Turkish Municipalities.

Cyprus Turkish Municipalities Association Chairman Ahmet Benli: "A very important study for the country and municipalities as well"
Receiving detailed information on the objectives of the project, Ahmet Benli stated that the project was significant for the country and municipalities in terms of its objectives and underlined that they were ready to provide support for the project. Benli extended his congratulations to the project teams of Near East Institute and the Societal Research and Development Center of Near East University in recognition of their designing and actualizing such an outstanding project. Underlining the significance of creating an accessible and inclusive society for all, Ahmet Benli stated that the national database aimed by the project would be an institutional data source for the Association of Cyprus Turkish Municipalities as well.

Prof. Dr. Zehra Altınay: "Our Basic Goal is to enhance the quality of life of the persons with disabilities"
Delivering information about the project, Professor Altınay underlined that the project aimed at creating "accessible and inclusive society" national database to remove the barriers that confine the disabled persons living, visiting or studying in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). "Ensuring an accessible and inclusive society via the national database will facilitate the life for people with special needs and enhance the quality of life for them. It is aimed that the target group can easily access the necessary institutional databases and so they can easily meet their daily basic needs. One of the overriding goals of this project is to determine the problems that encountered in TRNC public sector by disabled persons while working on internet and to provide settlement to these problems and consequently create a database to enhance the quality of life for them” said she.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Koldaş: "The Project will provide scientific and social benefit in international meaning"
"The scope and formation of the project purport to be a pioneer in TRNC in terms of the targeted database. The database to be formed as a result of the project will also lead our country to a position that can provide scientific and social benefit in a field of international importance" said he.