More than 400 young health professionals who graduated from the Near East University Vocational School of Health Services received their diplomas with a magnificent ceremony.
Date Added: 13 July 2023, 11:58
Last Updated Date:14 July 2023, 05:45

2022-2023 spring term graduates of the Near East University Vocational School of Health Services received their diplomas in a magnificent ceremony held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center. The ceremony, which was attended by many lecturers and guests, was held with intense participation.

Near East University Vocational School of Health Services graduates also commemorated the health workers who lost their lives in the earthquake that occurred in Turkey on February 6, and their university friends Emir Can Sayar who lost his life in the earthquake.

In the ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, Near East University Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Tüzünkan, Director of Near East University Vocational School of Health Services, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Aykaç and Zeynep Eskiocak on behalf of all graduates delivered speeches.

After the speeches, graduates who received their diplomas, took their professional oath with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Aykaç, and threw their caps away.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Tüzünkan: “Your effort and skills will have a huge impact on improving patients’ quality of life and improving the quality of healthcare.”
Near East University Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Tüzünkan said in his speech, “Do not forget that you are an indispensable part of the health system as a graduate of the Vocational School of Health Services. You will play an active role in the care of patients, assist with medical diagnoses and support treatment processes. Your effort and skill will have a huge impact on improving the quality of life of patients and improving the quality of healthcare.”

Emphasizing that all graduates are equipped with important skills such as patient orientation, empathy, communication and cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Tüzünkan said, “These skills will make you a successful and esteemed healthcare professional in your profession. In your careers, you should aim to continuously improve your professional knowledge and skills and stay up to date. I fully believe that you will be professionals who work passionately in their work and are open to innovations in health services, committed to professional ethical values.” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tüzünkan emphasized to the graduates that they should not give up in cases of difficulties.

“Never forget that you graduated from the Near East University, which has made its name among the most respected universities in the world with its scientific productivity, projects developed and produced with the vision of University 4.0, and its expert academic staff.” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Tüzünkan also said, “I believe that you will make great achievements in the future and we will continue to follow you with pride. On this road where you will draw your future; Our common values, respect, honesty, justice and ethical values, which we try to instill in you throughout your university life, will always guide you.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Aykaç: “We are proud to have graduated 404 students from our Vocational School of Health Services from 22 departments, 3 of which are in English.”
Starting his speech by saying “We are proud to have graduated a total of 404 students from our Vocational School of Health Services, 3 of which are in English, from 22 departments”, Near East University Health Services Vocational School Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Aykaç said, “Our graduate students, in a 2-year term have completed 6500 hours of theory, 2000 hours of practical practice and 30 working days of professional internship.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Aykaç addressed the academicians and said, “Not only you have taught our students technical information, but also the responsibilities of being individuals, their duties towards society, sharing and solidarity as part of a team, especially as a health worker; You have also taught that the ultimate aim of our profession is to protect human health and to glorify human beings.”

“Do not deviate from the truths taught to you in your working life, let them always be your guide. With the diplomas you will receive today, you are now a health worker.” Addressing the graduates, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Aykaç said; “While performing your profession, always be understanding and compassionate towards your patients; learn to feel and understand their pain and complaints. Always respect the privacy of your patients. Protect them at all times. I sincerely believe that you will become a sought-after technician in their field and that you will always make your families and us proud.”

Zeynep Eskiocak: “Thanks to the qualified education and countless opportunities provided by the Near East University, we will take firm steps forward in our profession.”
Zeynep Eskiocak, who graduated from the Near East University Vocational School of Health Services as the top graduate, expressed her feelings on behalf of all graduates. Eskiocak said, “We have come to the end of our pleasant and challenging university life. Even though we say goodbye to our teachers, friends and the unique campus of our university, we know that this will be a new beginning for all of us.”

Expressing that they made great friendships and had nice memories throughout their university life, Zeynep Eskiocak said, “All the good and bad experiences we have had throughout our university life have prepared us for life. We know that each of us added a piece of our teacher to ourselves. We are now ready to spread all over the country with these parts and start the task.”

Zeynep Eskiocak said, “Thanks to the qualified education and countless opportunities provided by the Near East University, we will take firm steps forward in our profession”, and reminded Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s words; “We don’t need anything, we only need one thing. It is to be hardworking. He who loves his country the most, does his duty best”.