Many appointments to be made to the vice-rector, dean, research center director and consultancy staff positions at Near East University
Date Added: 02 August 2023, 06:26

As the new education period started at the Near East University, which has been the most preferred university in the TRNC for seven years without interruption, new appointments were made to many administrative staff positions. The appointments made by the Board of Directors of the Near East University, which is the largest science and culture center in the Mediterranean, with 21 faculties, 4 vocational schools, 220 undergraduate and associate degree programs, 241 master’s and doctoral programs, and approximately 30 thousand students from 143 countries, will be valid as of 2 August.

Near East University, which has been ranked as one of the best universities in the world by many rating institutions such as Times Higher Education, US News & World Report, AD Scientific Index, Shanghai Ranking, and ODTÜ URAP with its effectiveness in science and art, ranked as one of the best universities in the world by ODTÜ URAP in July along with Koç and Bilkent universities, as well as being shown among the top three foundation universities in Turkey.

Award-winning academics brought to the consultancy of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees
With the new appointments that have come into effect, Prof. Dr. Fadi Al Turjman and Prof. Dr. Evren Hınçal will be advising Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel in the new term. Prof. Dr. Fadi Al Turjman and Prof. Dr. Evren Hınçal had received the award of the Near East University Science Awards for their scientific studies including the Dr. Suat Günsel Gold Medal Honor Award.

Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu was appointed as vice-rector
Within the scope of the appointments made upon the decision taken by the Near East University Board of Directors, Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu was appointed to the vice-rector position which was vacant since the appointment of Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ as the rector of the Near East University. Specializing in Radiation Oncology, Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu will be responsible for health studies of Near East University.

Competent names from various fields were brought to the consultancy of the Rector.
Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Can Başer, Prof. Dr. Murat Sayan, Prof. Dr. Şerife Eyüpoğlu, Prof. Erdoğan Ergün and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilber Uzun Özşahin were appointed as consultants of Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ. In line with the assignments, many fields such as pharmacy, health, engineering, economy and art will be represented in the management in accordance with the mission of the Near East University.

Deans appointed to three faculties
Deans were appointed to three faculties at the Near East University, which has 21 faculties. Prof. Dr. Nesrin Menemenci Bahçelerli was appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism; Prof. Dr. Zihni Turkan was appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, and Prof. Dr. Yağmur Çerkez was appointed as the Dean of Atatürk Faculty of Education. All three names appointed as deans have already been the acting deans of their own faculties.

Many appointments to the director positions of many research centers
At the Near East University, which continues its scientific studies with 40 research and application centers, new appointments were made to the directorates of some centers. Prof. Dr. Evren Hınçal was appointed as the Director of the Center of Excellence; Prof. Dr. Pınar Tülay was appointed as the Director of the Genetics and Cancer Diagnosis Research Center; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huriye Gürdallı was appointed as the Director of Architecture, Urban, Rural Life Research Center; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Yazgın was appointed as the Director of the Art and Design Research Center; Prof. Dr. Nesrin Menemenci Bahçelerli was appointed as the Director of Tourism Strategies Research Center, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhan Özverel was appointed as the Director of DESAM Research Institute, and Aslı Kasabalı Günhan was appointed as the Director of Near East University English Preparatory School.

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “I do wish success to our esteemed academics who will carry the Near East University even further with their studies, in their new positions and responsibilities.”
Emphasizing that Near East University is the largest international university in the region with approximately 30 thousand students from 143 countries, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “At the same time, we have a dynamic and flexible management structure that will increase our scientific productivity, adapt quickly to new technologies, take quick decisions and put them into practice at the same speed.”

Pointing out the success achieved by the Near East University with this dynamic management approach, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “We will continue our rise in the coming period with the contributions of our esteemed academicians, whose appointments have been made according to the decisions taken by our Board of Executive Directors. I do wish success to our professors, who will carry the Near East University even further with their studies, in their new positions and responsibilities.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “Among the names appointed, there are academicians who have been working at the Near East University for more than 30 years, as well as young people who have just been promoted to professor rank. We will continue to work with the same awareness of harmony and companionship.”
Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, on the other hand, emphasized that academia is a long journey and said, “Academics requires the ability to cooperate with different fields, gather around common goals and be a part of a whole without being a prisoner of egos. I want to proudly and happily say that, by giving due credit to this fellowship with our colleagues we met under the umbrella of Near East University and keeping up with the great vision shaped by our Founding Rector Dr. Suat İrfan Günsel and our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel, we continue to study hard with all our strength to reach the big targets set; We conduct research, develop, produce and share the knowledge arising from all these studies with the world on scientific grounds.”

Emphasizing that among the names appointed, there are academicians who have been working at the Near East University for more than 30 years, as well as young names who have just been promoted to professor rank, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “Continuing to work with our appointed colleagues with the same awareness of harmony and companionship in the upcoming period, we will do our best to carry forward the studies pioneered by the Near East University in the fields of science, art and technology in our country.”