Karaokçu, Head of Fight against Drugs Commission of Prime Ministry, gave a conference at NEU Faculty of Medicine
Date Added: 24 December 2015, 23:12
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 14:58

Hasan Karaokçu, Head of Fight against Drugs Commission of Prime Ministry, gave a conference at NEU Faculty of Medicine within the scope of Faculty's program on Continuing Medical Education Activities.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of Near East University, Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan, academics and NEU medical students participated in the conference held in the conference hall of the faculty.

Hasan Karaokçu gave a conference on "Drugs Problem in Northern Cyprus, Our Social Prejudices and Inimical Portrayals". In his remarks, he delivered information regarding their goals and activities carried out by the commission. He stated that they had observed that tobacco and alcohol abuse was very high and it was a serious factor in transition to illegal addictive substances. Underlining that media portrayals and ads that prepared to promote tobacco and alcohol had a crucial role on alcohol and tobacco consumption and problems among young people; he gave several examples concerned with the issue.

Touching upon the negative impacts of smoking on nonsmokers, he highlighted that we shouldn't smoke in areas where kids and others might be exposed to smoke. "A great percentage of children, nonsmoking men and women are exposed to second-hand smoke worldwide. Every year, 3000 nonsmoking persons die of lung cancer because of passive smoking. Second-hand smoke causes lung cancer 30 times more than other air pollutants. Every year, 35,000 persons suffer from cardiac arrest due to passive smoking. Every year, 300,000 children suffer from pneumonia and bronchitis due to passive smoking” said he. Touching on the hazardous effects of hookah, Mr. Karaokçu delivered information about the pollutant effect of the hookah cafes that emerging lately. He proposed to stay away from such environments for a healthy life.

Indicating that alcohol was as dangerous as illegal addictive substances when used unconsciously, he delivered information regarding the legal activities and audits that they carried out within the frame of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe.

Delivering information regarding studies conducted on drug abuse, Mr. Karaokçu emphasized that survey of drug use and attitudes among elementary graders were encouraging. "We have growing concerns regarding drug abuse in our schools. Since the most effective weapon in the fight against drugs is education, we have carried out a project study in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education. A drugs Education package that contains complete lesson plans and instructions for teaching the truth about the most commonly abused street and prescription drugs, as well as the importance of peer relationships on substance initiation and cessation will be included in the educational curricula of schools ranging from preschool to the final year of high school” said he.

NEU Faculty of Medicine Dean Professor Gamze Mocan expressed her views after the conference. "Drugs abuse is not an issue that concerns only Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. It is a global problem and everyone should be sensitive. As NEU Faculty of Medicine, we are open for all projects and collaborations regarding the issue" said she. Professor Mocan extended her thanks to Mr. Karaokçu for delivering a conference on such an issue which is very important for new generation and our future.