“Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” met at the autograph session
Date Added: 23 December 2021, 21:26
Last Updated Date:24 December 2021, 09:13

The author of the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” book series, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt, Yıldan Birand and Raziye Kocaismail, the protagonists of the first two books of the series; Prime Minister Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu’s wife, Ece Sucuoğlu, and the Minister of National Education and Culture, Olgun Amcaoğlu, came together at the autograph session.

An autograph session was held for the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” book series, written by University of Kyrenia Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr.Mutlu Soykurt and published by the Near East University Culture Publications. Prime Minister Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu’s wife, Ece Sucuoğlu, and the Minister of National Education and Culture, Olgun Amcaoğlu, attended the autograph session, as well as the author of the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” book series, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt and the protagonists of the first two books of the series, Yıldan Birand, who brought a new era in music education in the TRNC, and Raziye Kocaismail, the President of the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients, came together.

At the event, where the author of the series, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt and the heroes of her first two books, Yıldan Birand and Raziye Kocaismail, signed their books, Ece Sucuoğlu, and the Minister of National Education and Culture Olgun Amcaoğlu were presented with plaques. President of the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients Raziye Kocaismail, presented a plaque of appreciation to Mehmet Soykurt, Chairman of the Near East Bodies Hospitals, in the name of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Near East University, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel, for his contributions to the cancer treatment in the TRNC through the Near East University Hospital.

The autograph session of the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” series, which aims to carry the hidden heroes, who have made great contributions to the culture and life of the Turkish Cypriot community, to the future, took place with intense participation. In the event, where book lovers showed great interest, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt, Yıldan Birand, Raziye Kocaismail, Minister of National Education and Culture Olgun Amcaoğlu and Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu’s wife Ece Sucuoğlu delivered speeches.

Ece Sucuoğlu: “It is very valuable for the TRNC to publish the stories of two such important people in a book.”
Speaking at the event, Prime Minister Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu’s wife, Ece Sucuoğlu, said that Yıldan Birand was one of the teachers who touched her life, also pointing out that she was her music teacher in secondary school. Sucuoğlu also told about a memory she had with Birand: “I wanted to be a part of the marching band in the secondary school and I shared this with my teacher Yıldan. She immediately told me to play something, but she found me inadequate. Later, seeing my determination, she delivered the drum, which is the backbone of the marching band, to me.” Sucuoğlu said that Raziye Kocaismail also raised a great awareness in the country with her struggle for cancer patients and said, “It is a great contribution to the TRNC to publish the stories of two such important people. I would also like to thank Mutlu Soykurt for her efforts.”

Olgun Amcaoğlu: “It is very meaningful to write works that describe the experiences of our two great jewels ​​that left their mark on the past of our country and shed light on its future.”
Emphasizing that the works describing the experiences of our two great jewels ​​that left their marks on the past of our country and shed light on its future, came out with great effort, Minister of National Education and Culture Olgun Amcaoğlu said, “I am honored to be here today.” Minister Amcaoğlu said that the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients is the first association to which he has been a member and that he is honored to be a member of the Association for nearly 30 years. When there is someone who needs help, I have been there with them as much as I can and I will continue to be.” Addressing Yıldan Birand and Raziye Kocaismail, Minister Amcaoğlu said “May God speed you”, also thanked Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt saying “I’m glad you put these precious lives into words and put them into a book”.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt: “The Jewels of Northern Cyprus was also included in the recommendation list by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. It is my greatest happiness that my books will meet our children and inspire them.”

Stating that he wrote the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” book series to bring together the names who pioneered social transformation with their contributions to the Turkish Cypriot community and set an example with their inspiring success stories, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt commented on Yıldan Birand and Raziye Kocaismail, whose life stories she narrated in the first two books of the series. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt reminded that Yıldan Birand, the protagonist of the first book, touched the lives of many people by ensuring that music education was included in the curriculum in the TRNC and with the girls’ band she arranged and the students she sent to the world’s largest art schools. She said that Raziye Kocaismail, the protagonist of the second book, has brought hope to many patients and their relatives by removing cancer from being a taboo in the society, both with her personal story and with the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients, which she founded.

Stating that the third book of the series will be published soon, Assist. Prof. Dr. Soykurt emphasized that the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” series was also included in the recommendation list by the Ministry of National Education and Culture, and continued as follows; “I would like to thank our Minister of National Education and Culture, Mr. Olgun Amcaoğlu, for deeming it appropriate to introduce the Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus to our children.” Assist. Prof. Dr. Soykurt also thanked Prime Minister Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu’s wife, Ece Sucuoğlu, and the Minister of National Education and Culture, Mr Olgun Amcaoğlu, for their support by attending the autograph session.

Yıldan Birand: “Music is the most powerful medicine.”
Stating that music is a means of expressing our feelings and thoughts with notes and melodies, the legendary music teacher of Northern Cyprus, Yıldan Birand, said, “Music is the most beautiful morale source we can take shelter in these days when we are going through hard times due to the pandemic. Music is the strongest medicine.” Birand, who touched the lives of many people by dedicating his life to the development of music education in the TRNC, thanked Mutlu Soykurt immortalized her story by publishing a book.

Raziye Kocaismail: “What created my present life and me is the fight against cancer and the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients.”
The second book of the series of “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” written by Mutlu Soykurt brings together the life story of Raziye Kocaismail, who was sent to the TRNC from England, where she was treated in 1993 and was given only three months to live. Raziye Kocaismail, an important struggle figure who helped prevent cancer from being a taboo in the country by founding the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients in the same year after defeating cancer, said, “The thing that created my present life and me started with the fight against cancer and the Association for Aiding Cancer Patients. Kocaismail said, “When Ms. Mutlu told me that she wanted to write my life story, I was experiencing pessimistic days thinking that our struggle was not enough. Taking part in such an important and meaningful series with my story once again ignited my determination to fight.”