Interplanetary Journey In Solar System…Özay Günsel Children’s University 9-11 Age Group Students To Study Space Sciences In Solar Group…
Date Added: 06 June 2019, 11:30
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 16:05

At the Özay Günsel Children's University, taking the age and perception levels of 09-11 age group students into account, this group of students will be placed in the "Sun" group and the programs consisting of the nature school, virtual reality and critical thinking will be administered to them.

According to the press information released by the Özay Günsel Children's University, students in this age group, throughout which they begin to recognize themselves in general and discover their special abilities, interests and needs, will be provided with comprehensive information about all the scientific, social and cultural events aimed at planning their future, and the children will be directed to the experts and their progress will be followed.

They will discover the Virtual World through Discovery Workshops...
In the 9-11 age group education program, modules consisting of space, time, weight, size, volume, particle discovery, elements, molecular gastronomy, making body transparent, the role of heroes in the real world, skyscrapers, art and science literature studies, invention workshops, centre of world, power of sun - solar power and psychology will be implemented...

They will develop mathematical skills and discover their personal skills and talents...
In addition to the alternative sports branches within the 76 modules presented to the students, the concept of art will be instilled in the creative painting and pattern workshop, problem solving skills will be developed with the Cypriot Traditional Children's games, which will also support physical, emotional, mental and social development, and will realize their creativity and abilities. Mathematical skills will be developed in nature and with the help of this module, the animals will be studied and the love of animals will also be instilled. Cake making, origami, architecture, space and design discovery, fragrant stone construction will also support the development of balance dexterity and muscles, too.

Registrations end on June 11th… Trainings will start on June 18.
Between 18 June and 9 August 2019, Özay Günsel Children's University will continue its educational activities. Registrations can be made by June 11, 2019 through the registration stand at the entrance floor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Near East University and through the pre-registration form provided on For more information about Özay Günsel Children's University, please contact us at +90 548 833 13 38.