Graduation ceremonies held by Near East University for 450 students who graduated from 15 faculties and 1 college were completed
Date Added: 01 February 2022, 20:29
Last Updated Date:02 February 2022, 08:21

160 students who graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Near East University received their diplomas at the ceremony held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center.

160 students who are entitled to graduate from Near East University in the 2021-2022 Fall semester, from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Faculty of Arts and Sciences received their diplomas at the graduation ceremony held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center, .

At the ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Near East University Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni Eyüpoğlu and Dean of Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş made speeches. Ömer Faruk Köfte, top of the Department at the Faculty of Architecture, spoke on behalf of the Turkish graduates, and Fariza Farid Memon, the top student of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, delivered a speech on behalf of the international students.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt: “The people of the Near East are always at the forefront. He is the referenced and envied.”
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt said, “We determine the limits of our desires and goals. We have the freedom to choose what we want to do. In order not to be a prisoner of our choices, we have to look from many angles, read and evaluate a lot.”

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, “A learning person knows himself, discovers his difference and freedom. For a learning person, the knowledge and experience he has acquired is not enough. The learner knows very well that having knowledge will not make him strong, that power is actually producing and managing it.”

Stating that Near East University is not just a university with knowledge, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt said, “The Near East University is working hard to raise individuals who can produce and manage science and knowledge. Our main goal is to educate individuals who want more to be content with the information given and produce science and knowledge. The individuals we train are always pioneers and privileged individuals who make a difference, take initiative without hesitation.”

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt said, “The people of the Near East are always at the forefront. He is the referenced and envied. That’s why we are proud of you and trust you without hesitation. We wholeheartedly believe in your capacity and potential to make a difference” and further wished success, health and happiness to all graduates.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş: “Our students graduate from one of the most prestigious universities not only in the country and the region, but also in the world.”
Near East University Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş shared his happiness saying “Today, as the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, we organize the graduation ceremony together with our three distinguished faculties, celebrate together and share this excitement together”. Stating that he started his academic life at the Near East University 30 years ago, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş said, “Today, you, our esteemed students, have graduated from the Near East University, one of the most respected universities not only in the country and the region, but also in the world, and have a diploma that is valid all over the world.”

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş said, “I congratulate all our new graduates for their perseverance and success, for their support to our precious families, and my esteemed colleagues for their academic contributions with great devotion. May the path of our graduates be clear.”

Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni Eyüpoğlu: “Each of you here today has grown up in a way you should be proud of. You all came here today as talented and valuable individuals.”
Speaking on behalf of the graduating faculties, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Near East University Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni Eyüpoğlu, on the other hand, said that they were happy for the first face-to-face graduation ceremony held since the outbreake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emphasizing that Near East University aims to prepare its students for their future careers through the qualified education provided in all its faculties, and to enable them to adapt to the constantly changing and challenging working environment all over the world, Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni Eyüpoğlu said, “We are happy to graduate our students as individuals who are flexible and creative, have the ability to think critically and can adapt to cultures other than their own, have a sense of entrepreneurship, and are aware of their social and environmental responsibilities.”
Congratulating the students and their families who were entitled to graduate, Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni Eyüpoğlu said, “Each of you here today has been brought up in a way you should be proud of. You all came here today as talented and esteemed individuals. You have a new life ahead of you; A new life full of new demands, new responsibilities and new opportunities. I would like to thank each and every one of you for what you have contributed to your faculties and our university during your time here, and wish you everything you deserve in the years to come. It makes us all proud that you will represent Near East University all over the world.”

Ömer Faruk Köfte: “We constantly gained new information and different experiences. We laid the foundations of our future lives at the Near East University.”
Speaking on behalf of all Turkish students at the ceremony, Near East University Faculty of Architecture top graduate Ömer Faruk Köfte said, “Today we are graduating from the university we dreamed about. I never imagined that our joy would be so bitter when the graduation day came.”

“Of course, we didn’t get to where we are today by only studying for lessons and exams throughout our university life. We constantly gained new information and different experiences. We laid the foundations of our future lives at the Near East University,” saying Ömer Faruk Köfte, added; “We would like to thank our families, loved ones who are always there for us, and most importantly, all of our teachers who contributed to our development by transferring their knowledge to us. Our path is clear, our thoughts are clear, and let us congratulate ourselves for our graduation”.

Fariza Farid Memon: “With the knowledge we gained at the Near East University, the doors of a future where we can benefit our societies have been opened.”
Speaking on behalf of all international students at the ceremony, Fariza Farid Memon, top graduate of the Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, started her speech by congratulating all her friends who graduated after a long way of great patience, dedication and hard work. Stating that they studied together with students from many nationalities at the Near East University, Fariza Farid Memon said, “I would like to thank all of our teachers who also offered us their friendship and transferred their knowledge to us.” Stating that they have accumulated very special memories throughout their university life, Memon said, “With the knowledge we have gained at the Near East University, the doors of a future where we can benefit our societies have been opened.”

Fariza Farid Memon finally said, “Some of us will continue to pursue their dreams in the academic field. Some of us will work in different sectors in different parts of the world. I hope everyone has a future in which their dreams can come true. In order to achieve this, as Near East University graduates, we will always support each other and stand by each other.”