Graduates of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Near East University received their diplomas at the ceremony held with the participation of YODAK President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı
Date Added: 24 July 2023, 05:51

130 students who successfully graduated from the Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, received their diplomas at the ceremony held with the participation of YODAK President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı. The ceremony, which took place with intense participation, started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem.

In the ceremony, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul and YODAK President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı made speeches. On behalf of all graduates, Çiğdem Gök from the psychology department expressed her feelings. After the speeches, the graduates threw their caps with great enthusiasm.

Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı: “Learning never ends, this diploma is only the key to tomorrow for you.”
Starting his speech by congratulating the graduate students and their families, YODAK President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı also thanked the Near East University for the opportunities it provided. Stating that the Near East University trains well-equipped individuals with quality education, Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı said, “We have no doubt that you will be the young people who solve the problems of the future with the quality education you receive here. May your path be open in this life full of difficulties, you will overcome all difficulties with the education you have received. Learning never ends, this diploma is just the key to tomorrow for you.”

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt: “Keep in mind that quality appeals not only to the mind but also to the heart.”
Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt started his speech by saying “It is both an honor and a privilege to address you on this important day when we came together to celebrate your graduation”.

Reminding the saying of Socrates “Wisdom begins with curiosity”, Prof. Dr. Kurt said, “So don’t stop doubting. Do not forget that a vast amount of information that needs to be discovered awaits you.” Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, “Excellence is never a coincidence. If you want your contribution to your fields to be permanent, put more effort for a better quality. Keep in mind that quality appeals not only to the mind but also to the heart.” Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt ended his speech by saying “Congratulations, dear Near Eastern graduates! The world is awaiting for your contributions and we are always sure that you will shape it for the better”.

Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul: “You are ready to open the doors of success with your strong and dynamic infrastructure and quality education.”
Starting his speech by underlining that Near East University is a young and dynamic university founded in 1988, Near East University Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul stated that education, art, science and technology are all under one roof at Near East University.

“Faculties of Arts and Sciences, also known as the Faculties of Basic Sciences, are among the faculties that form the basis of a university,” saying Prof. Dr. Özkul, added; “Today, we are happy to say goodbye to approximately 130 of our graduates with pride.”

Stating that the Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences has progressed in an integrated method with other faculties, Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul said “The mission of our faculty is training self-sufficient young people equipped with modern, scientific, technological and cultural knowledge.” Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul congratulated the graduate students for completing a challenging four-year marathon and said, “Now it’s time to reap the rewards of your efforts. You are ready to open the doors of success with your strong and dynamic infrastructure and quality education.”

Çiğdem Gök: “With the education we received at the Near East University, we look at the world from a very different perspective.”
Speaking on behalf of all graduates, Çiğdem Gök, a psychology graduate, started her speech by saying “We are ending this journey we embarked on four years ago as individuals who will shape the future”. Çiğdem Gök, who said that they faced many difficulties throughout their education life, but they never gave up, thanked their teachers and families who were always there for the graduates.

Saying “Psychology leads our society and individuals to reach a better future. This important task falls to us. With the education we received at the Near East University, we look at the world from a very different perspective. We are aware of the needs of our country and the world, and we are aware of our own responsibilities,” Çiğdem Gök ended her speech by saying, “I wish success to all my graduate friends in their new lives.”