Near East University School of Educational Sciences offers non-thesis masters program on secondary school field teaching for students interested in switching to professional career. Registration for Fall-Term, 2017-2018 academic year, is currently ongoing.
The Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of the Near East University released that students, who are willing to enroll in the non-thesis masters program, should submit their applications personally to NEU Student Affairs Office latest on 31 October 2017 within the working-hours.
In order to apply, the candidate is required to have a bachelor's degree from a four-year higher education institution.
The non-thesis program on secondary school field teaching has been scheduled to cover 13 courses. The courses will be held on weekdays at 17:00.
In order to accommodate the demands of the candidates, Near East University provides opportunity for those, who will complete successfully the non-thesis program on secondary school field teaching, to receive education in different graduate programs upon their wish.
Qualified teachers will be raised...
The Head of the Department of Secondary School Field Teaching, Asst. Prof. Dr. Erin ERÇAĞ highlights that they offer programs that aim to raise highbrow qualified teachers and increase the quality of education in all branches across the country.
Drawing attention to their commitment to continuing to offer teaching program contents that comply with national and international quality standards set for the profession of teaching, Asst. Prof. Dr. ERÇAĞ stated that they were devoted to leveling up the educational applications to the ultimate level and raising teachers whose spirit of teaching would never fade away.
“Our graduate programs not only accommodate the career demands of the candidates, but also provide them with opportunity to discover their potentials to carry out research studies and teaching-learning activities by using all kinds of educational appliances in a pedagogical sense. Upon graduating from the Non-thesis Masters Program on Secondary School Field Teaching, the graduates will be able to successfully carry out the profession of teaching in different fields that they involved in" said Asst. Prof. Dr. ERÇAĞ.