Face-to-Face and Distance Education Will Be Conducted Simultaneously In Fall Semester of Academic Year That Will Start On October 5th…
Date Added: 30 September 2020, 16:15
Last Updated Date:03 November 2020, 11:38

Near East University will provide face-to-face education to students who can come to Cyprus and distance education to students who cannot.
Near East University announced that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students who can come to Cyprus in the 2020-2021 Academic Fall semester will be given face-to-face education and distance education will be provided to students who cannot come to Cyprus. Fall semester courses, which will start on Monday, October 5, 2020, will be held simultaneously in face-to-face and distance education methods.

According to the statement made by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, Near East University, which will continue education by using both face-to-face education and distance education methods, has arranged which courses will be given in the form of distance education and which courses will be given face-to-face on the basis of faculty and program. In the courses to be carried out face to face, the lessons will be held in the classes with reduced number of students.

Distance education will be provided through the UZEBİM platform and all the materials of the courses will be shared with the students on this platform. In programs where applied trainings are compulsory, the courses will be carried out within the specified calendar and in accordance with the measures to be taken at the end of the Fall or Spring terms.

Classes Prepared for Face-to-Face Education within the Framework of Health Precautions...
In order to ensure a safe face-to-face education, the number of students in classes were reduced in accordance with the health measures determined by the University, taking into account social distance and hygiene criteria. All necessary health measures were also taken to conduct face-to-face internship/workshop/laboratory practices. The areas where students are in contact on the campus were disinfected in line with the necessary hygiene rules. Hand sanitizers were placed at the entrances of the buildings and in suitable places. All of the people in the school will wear masks, according to the rules. Classrooms will be ventilated every day, cleaning and disinfection will be frequently carried out. Masks, thermometers, disinfectants, and social distancing agents will always be used in every area within the campus.

Students who prefer online education must fill in the application form...
In the statement, which states that all courses will be conducted online for students who cannot come to Cyprus due to the pandemic, it was reminded that students who will participate in the classes online must fill in the application form provided at https://forms.gle/39UNSTZ4raVBJBn36.

Arrangements will be made in accordance with the course of the outbreak...
Near East University, which will continue education in the 2020-2021 Academic Year by conducting both face-to-face education and distance education methods simultaneously, will do the best during this extraordinary situation we are in, and new measures will be taken in accordance with the course of the pandemic and with the decisions of the TRNC Council of Ministers to be taken in the future.