Dr. Azharı F. M. Ahmed Conducting Nobel Prize-Winning Research On Climate Change To Meet Özay Günsel Children’s University Students…
Date Added: 24 July 2019, 12:57
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 14:26

Chief Engineer Dr. Azhari F. M. Ahmed who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007 for his contribution to the studies carried out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on climate change will give a lecture on "The Unknowns Regarding Climatic Changes" at the Özay Günsel Children's University.

According to the press statement made by Özay Günsel Children's University, Dr. Ahmed will be the second guest of Science Workshop applications. Dr. Azhari F. M. Ahmed will give information about climatic changes, global warming and its consequences, greenhouse gases, and effects of climatic changes poles to students at Irfan Günsel Congress Center Hall 4 on Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 14.00. The conference will be held in English with simultaneous translation...

They received a Nobel Prize for their Institutional Studies on Climatic Changes…
Serving as the EKOQatar Consultancy Executive Director and Founding Partner, Dr. Azhari F. M. Ahmed works as a group leader on air quality and climatic changes. He also served as a consultant to the national climatic change committee. Dr. Ahmed is conducting extensive research on atmospheric chemistry and air pollution in the field of environmental science; in the fields of air quality, air pollution emissions, transportation, transformation, distribution, deposition and modeling. He is an expert on energy policy and environmental regulations, eco-toxicology and climate change.

Dr. Ahmed has published his studies widely in international peer-reviewed journals and classified technical reports on atmospheric chemistry, air pollution emissions, ambient air quality, toxicology and climate change. He received many honors during his academic career. Dr. Azhari F. M. Ahmed received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his contribution to the work of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC).

CERN Professor Explained the Unknowns of the Atom…
Previously, Prof. Dr. Mossaded Talby, Professor of Physics at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, who also conducted research at the world-famous and largest atomic research center CERN, had given a lecture on "The Fun World of Atomic Particles" at Özay Günsel Children's University.