Dialysis patients need to be careful while consuming fruit
Date Added: 01 August 2020, 17:22
Last Updated Date:03 November 2020, 13:15
Highlighting that many people with kidney failure rely on dialysis to remove fluid, Dr. Rana Ömürova, general practitioner at the Nephrology Section of the Near East University Hospital, states that excess fruit consumption means excess fluid intake, so dialysis patients need to be careful while consuming fruit and should never exceed the fluid intake limit.

Dialysis patients need to be careful while consuming fruit in the summer!
Highlighting that most people attach a special focus on consuming more fluid and fruit to stay hydrated in the heat of the summer, Dr. Rana Ömürova notes that dialysis patients need to be controlled about their diet and should restrict their fluid intake due to excess consumption of fruit especially in the summer months. Underlining the importance of staying in strict fluid limits for dialysis patients, Dr. Rana Ömürova states that the natural temptation to consume more fluid and fruit in consequence of increasing heat and fruit variety in the summer may lead excess fluid accumulation in the body. “Too much fluid accumulation in the body can raise blood pressure, damage the heart, cause swelling, and make dialysis very uncomfortable. Therefore, summer is one of the periods when dialysis patients should be most careful. So, dialysis patients need to restrict their fluid intake and be careful how to quench their thirst without jeopardizing their health during the hot summer months. Since dialysis patients rely on only dialysis to remove fluid accumulated in their body, they should always keep their fluid intake to a minimum. Excess fluid accumulating in the body can cause cramps and sudden drops in blood pressure during dialysis” says she.

Foods that dialysis patients need to be careful while consuming
Expressing that a renal diet usually involves limiting fluid intake, sodium, potassium and phosphorus in order to help decrease the accumulation fluid and waste product in blood, Dr. Rana Ömürova highlights that dialysis patients should be very careful while consuming tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, melons, cherries, peaches, apricots and grapes, all of which are rich in phosphorus and/or potassium content. She also notes that dialysis patients need to stay away consuming especially fresh walnuts and hazelnuts grown in late summer as they have high phosphorus content. "Dialysis patients should definitely avoid homemade sauces, processed olives and pickles as they are high in potassium and sodium. Avoiding excessive consumption of canned foods, processed foods, all kinds of vegetables and fruits throughout all seasons is important for maintaining optimum levels of both potassium and phosphorus" noted she.

Fruits contain about 90% water
Expressing that fruits contain about 90% water, Dr. Rana Ömürova notes that a medium size peach or an apple or five or six strawberries correspond to a glass of water. "Melons such as cantaloupe and watermelon have the highest water content exceeding 90 percent. A big slice of watermelon contains about two glasses of water. Dialysis patients can benefit the blessings of the summer season without exceeding the fluid intake limits by being strict to portion control. “During the summer season, prolonged exposure to sunlight at noon hours when the sun's effect is the highest should be avoided, deep places of the sea shouldn't be preferred as there is a risk of experiencing sudden cramps while swimming" says she.