Deep interest from students to the “Visual Story Design for the Screen” workshop organized by the Near East University Faculty of Communication
Date Added: 03 May 2022, 14:46
Last Updated Date:05 May 2022, 09:43

The Visual Story Design for Screen Workshop, which was organized in cooperation with the Near East University Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema and the Center for Communication Studies, attracted great attention.

Visual storytelling, whose history can be traced back to the cave paintings of the first humans, has become one of the basic elements of today’s communication with the advancement of technology. The “Visual Story Design Workshop for Screen”, organized in partnership with the Near East University Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema and the Center for Communication Studies (ILAMER), brought together students, academicians and industry professionals who are experts on the subject.

The workshop, which was held with the participation of Istanbul Işık University Faculty of Communication Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nalan Büker, was moderated by ILAMER Vice President Dr. Serkan Fundalar.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nalan Büker: “Visual storytelling has existed since early humans.”
Within the scope of the workshop, to which the faculty students showed great interest, Assoc. Prof. Nalan Büker emphasizing that visual storytelling has existed since the first people, said, “When directing a movie, it is necessary to appeal to the emotions of the audience. Imagination is one of the most important elements of visual storytelling for viewers and designers.

Dr. Serkan Fundalar: “Joint studies with external stakeholders will continue.”
After the workshop, Near East Communication Faculty Faculty teaching member and ILAMER Vice President Dr. Serkan Fundalar presented a certificate of appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nalan Büker. Stating that ILAMER organizes interdisciplinary studies with all departments and research centers under the umbrella of Near East University, Fundalar said, “We aim to increase such academic, cultural and artistic studies by taking into account the development of our students, and we will continue to work in partnership with external stakeholder