Current Approaches in Equine Medicine were Discussed at the Symposium at Near East University
Date Added: 09 May 2022, 19:45
Last Updated Date:10 May 2022, 08:26

The “Current Approaches in Equine Medicine Symposium” organized by the Cyprus International Veterinary Students’ Union was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Near East University with intense participation.

Horses are among the animals that have an important place in the history of the world. They have always been on the side of people in many fields from war to travel, from freight transportation to agriculture. Today, horse breeding and equestrian are still one of the passions of enthusiasts. Equine medicine continues to be one of the important fields of veterinary judgement.

In the “Current Approaches in Equine Medicine” symposium hosted by the Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, organized by the Cyprus International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA-Cyprus), many issues related to “equine medicine” were discussed in six sessions. Many lecturers from the Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Uludağ University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine attended the symposium as speakers.

Everything about equine medicine in 6 sessions
The symposium, which started with the speeches of Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Deputy Dean and IVSA Cyprus advisor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Isfendiyar Darbaz and IVSA Cyprus President E. Kaan Kaşıkçı, was concluded in six sessions. In the first session chaired by Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüban Göçmen, Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Lecturer Prof. Dr. Kamil Seyrek İntaş discussed the issue of pneumovagina, which is the most important infertility problem of mares, from various aspects.

In the second session, chaired and moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan Sayıner, Dean of Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Prof. Dr. Güven Kaşıkçı from Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. made their presentation titled “Blood Incompatibility in Mares During Pregnancy”. Prof. Dr. Khashoggi gave detailed information about the formation of a foal, its growth in the womb and possible problems after birth.

In the third session of the symposium moderated by Assoc. Prof. Osman Ergene, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Veterinary Faculty Obstetrics and Gynecology Department retired lecturer Prof. Dr. Huriye Horoz Kaya made a presentation on “Single Pregnancy by Crushing an Embryo in Twin Pregnancy in Mares”.

In the fourth session of the symposium, carried out by Prof. Dr. Vedat Sağmanlıgil, Uludağ University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases faculty member Prof. Dr. Gülay Deniz shared with the participants the important principles and points to be considered in the nutrition of horses.

The fifth session of the symposium was moderated by Assist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ege İnce. In this session, Uludag University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Parasitology Department lecturer Prof. Dr. Veli Yılgör Çırak shared practical information on how to control parasites in a horse farm.

In the last session of the symposium, which was moderated by Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Head of Surgery Department Prof. Dr. F. Eser Özgencil, Dean of Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş gave detailed information about “Inspection for Lameness in Horses”. Emphasizing the tricks of the diagnosis of lameness in horses, Prof. İntaş also answered the questions of the participants.