Council of Maritime Studies (CMS), to which University of Kyrenia has acted as a founding member, is having its meeting on 26-27 October
Date Added: 23 October 2015, 11:04

The Council of Maritime Studies, to which the University of Kyrenia has acted as a founding member, is having a meeting with the participation of all Maritime Studies Faculties and Graduate Schools in Turkey on 26-27 October. The CMS will be holding the meeting in Bordum, Turkey, and the Dean and three Head of Departments of University of Kyrenia will be attending the meeting.

According to the press info release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of University of Kyrenia, the above mentioned meeting is the 12th meeting of the Council and Dean of Faculty of Maritime Studies, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Altunç; Vice Dean Captain Hilmi Şahlı; Head of Department of Deck, Captain Uğur Temen and Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülsün Bektaş will be attending the meeting to be held in Bodrum, Turkey. Furthermore, it was revealed that the agenda of the meeting was to discuss the international accreditation of maritime studies, cooperation opportunities and other issues related to maritime studies, alongside an expected decision to be made on the approval of the membership of the Graduate School of Maritime Studies of University of Kyrenia. As a university which enables specialisation in maritime studies, University of Kyrenia comprises a faculty of maritime studies and a graduate school which provides 4 years of education and training in the filed and is currently eligible to be a member of the Council of Maritime Studies.

Council of Maritime Studies (CMS) is said to play a significant role in the coordination and supervision of maritime studies at higher education level.

It was expressed the the main aims of the Council of Maritime Studies are: Education; training; research and running communal services at national and international standards; providing cooperation between member institutions; presenting opinions to University Commission in the relative field; accreditation of educational programmes of maritime studies; evaluation and informing so as to make contribution to improving the quality of education and training provided on maritime studies in Turkey. It has been organised to have yearly meetings and each year, the meetings are held at one of the member universities. Besides University of Kyrenia, Dokuz Eylül University; Istanbul Technical University; Karadeniz Technical University; Kocaeli University; Piri Reis University; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University; Yıldız Technical University; and Zirve University are some of the universities which are members of the Council of Maritime Studies. In addition to the above esteemed member universities, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, Ship Engine Chamber and TR Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication are also a member of the Council.

Academic Members of Faculty of Maritime Studies of University of Kyrenia are making active contribution to Council of Maritime Studies meetings.

According to University of Kyrenia, academic members of the University are among the doyens which gave direction to the Turkish marine and they have been representing the University of Kyrenia at the previous meetings of the CMS, and once again, they will be doing so at the 12th meeting of the Council to share their knowledge and experiences with colleagues. It was pointed out that the first meeting of the council was held in February, 2009 at Istanbul Technical University and subsequently, the second was held in May, 2009 at Near East University Faculty of Maritime Studies.