Consisting of 30 paintings of masterpieces that exclusively prepared for Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, the painting exhibition, which reveals the extraordinary vision of Bashkortostan artist Vera Frolova through the reality of the created paint surface itself and symbols emphasizing the meaning behind the forms and colors, was opened by Economy and Energy Minister Hasan Taçoy.
The Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of Near East University released that Economy and Energy Minister Hasan Taçoy, Near East University Founding Rector Dr. Suat Günsel, vice rectors, faculty members, artists and guests participated in the opening ceremony of the exhibition that held at the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Dentistry. The exhibition also features 4 artworks of Vera Frolova's daughter Diana Mukhametzianova.
The opening remarks of the exhibition were delivered respectively by NEU vice Rector Professor Tamer Şanlıdağ, artist Vera Frolova and TRNC Economy and Energy Minister Hasan Taçoy.
Professor Dr. Sanlidag: “Cyprus Modern Art Museum Provides Freedom in Creativity…”
Underlining the crucial role of art in social life, NEU vice Rector Professor Tamer Şanlıdağ stated that with the formation of modernism associated with ideal visions of human life and society, art was not only a reflection of society but also a means allowing societies to question themselves.
Expressing that modernism in art rejected established styles and adopted impressionism, reality and symbolism to reflect scenes of everyday modern life by using rapid brush marks and colors, vice Rector Professor Şanlıdağ stated that modern art museums had a significant role in determining what could be considered as modern art. "Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts unites the Turkic World in this geography as a unique project that brings together artists from different countries and provides freedom in creativity" noted he.
Scientific Publications Will Be Online on Social Media for Researchers...Near East Scientists on Social Media Net Has Been Launched.
NEU vice Rector Şanlıdağ delivered information about their scientific activities and accomplishments: "Near East University continues to increase the number of her projects and publications day by day. In the last three years, 380 research projects were accepted with the own resources of our university; 120 of them were completed and 250 of them are still in progress. As of 2018, more than 1200 articles of faculty members of Near East University were published by prestigious journals scanned by Web of Science and Scopus, the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature covering tens of thousands research topics across all scientific disciplines. Considering the number of publications, Near East University ranks the 3rd place among universities in Turkey and top among TRNC universities, we feel the right pride of this success. Increasing the number of our annual publications and our quality is among our most important goals. In order to allow wider masses to access the publications of Near East University, we are realizing a first in our country; may be a first in the world. ın order to enable wider populations to access the results of scientific studies conducted by Near East University researchers, Near East University Science Network - Near East Scientists on Social Media (NeuSciSocMed) has been launched and it is accessible on Facebook and Instagram. The Science Network will be an academic social network that will facilitate access to publications from the Near East and increase collaboration among researchers. In addition, it will enable academicians to be aware of the latest scientific publications related to their fields and to enable academicians working on the same subject to enrich their studies and find solutions to research problems” said he.
Every Artist Will Have the Dream of Being a Part of Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, Which is an Art Temple..."
Beginning her remarks by extending her appreciations to the Founding Rector Dr. Suat Günsel for inviting and providing her opportunity to open an exhibition, artist Vera Frolova said that the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts would exist for years.
Highlighting that Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts project stood out as a unique project of its kind across the globe, Vera Florova expressed her views: "The Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts is a project that has the potential to become a global museum and I am sure that over time, many artists from all over the world will have the dream and purpose of being a part of this project. I believe that your initiatives and this created valuable asset will continue. I would also like to thank everyone who has provided the artists with an environment of creativity and helped in all matters. I believe that we have built up this temple of art all together".
Minister Taçoy: “Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts Opens New Horizons for the Promotion of TRNC…
Pointing out that 89 exhibitions had been opened at Near East University so far, Minister Taçoy stated that the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts aimed to have a collection of 20 thousand artworks before opening its doors on 15 November 2020.
"More than 12 thousand works have been collected so far. The remaining 8 thousand of works will be created by Turkic artists within a year. This means that we will have the opportunity to see at least 120 artworks at exhibitions held every week throughout a year. The world has never experienced such a significant event. It is a miracle to reach such a large number in a small country with our geographic features and population structure, and this miracle is being achieved thanks to the Near East University” noted he.
Stating that different views and cultures of societies was brought to our small island via art, Minister Taçoy said that we were trying to identify ourselves with them by understanding their artworks depicting different cultures.
Near East University has a wide network sparked by digital transformation...
Expressing that Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts opens a new horizon towards promoting the Near East University in particular and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in general; Minister Taçoy says that digital transformation sparks innovation in networking adding that Near East University has a wide network facilitating access anywhere.
“By using the broad range of opportunities brought by Innovation, technology and digitalization, we have covered great steps towards promotion; it's a distinguished beauty for me to see that we have accomplished this with Near East University. In addition to what they have done within the framework of the concept of Özay Günsel Children's University founded by the Near East University, it is admirable to see the works of Vera Frolova's daughter in the exhibition. This should be appreciated” noted he.
Silver Key Honor Award was presented…
Following the speeches, the Silver Key Honorary Award was presented to Bashkortostan artist Vera Frolova. A Certificsate of Appreciation was also presented to her daughter Diana Mukhametzianova. Then the ribbon was cut and the exhibition was opened for visits. The solo painting exhibition of Bashkortostan artist Vera Frolova, which consists of 30 paintings depicting culture, nature, folk dances and legends of Bashkortostan, will be open for visits at the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Dentistry between 08:00-16:00 hours on weekdays till 23 August 2019.