Collaboration Between Near East University Grand Library and Boğaziçi University to providing access to GETEM Collection
Date Added: 12 October 2020, 08:42
Last Updated Date:03 November 2020, 11:05

Institutional membership cooperation between the Near East University Grand Library and Boğaziçi University Technology and Education Laboratory for the Visually Impaired (GETEM) was made to provide access to information resources for the visually impaired.

With the cooperation, access to the entire collection of thousands of Braille ready-to-print books, audio books, audio magazines, audio description (motion pictures), audio lectures, and audio theater plays was provided.

It is aimed to provide visually impaired individuals with easy access to information...
Near East University Grand Library Director Gülten Sala Lay said in a statement on the issue; "We have got into cooperation with GETEM in order to provide visually impaired readers with easier and quicker access to the information they want. Let's not forget, the library is for everyone,”

Sala Lay stated that not only visually impaired individuals but also paralyzed and dyslexic individuals can benefit from the Internet library of the Visually Impaired Technology and Education Laboratory (GETEM). She said that there are records of lecture notes, books, lectures and conferences, and scientific articles in educational institutions at all levels.

Sala Lay stated that in addition to these, many different contents such as radio theaters within the Great Library, mp3 versions of films with audio description, audio computer and smart device narrations are included in the GETEM catalog.

How will membership registration be made?
In order to access the GETEM collection, which serves as an e-library, it is necessary to register with an ID card and a disability report to be submitted to the Near East University Grand Library for once. Registered individuals will be able to access the audio collection with the username and password that will be given to them after the library membership to be opened for free.