“Cardiac MRI”, the gold standard in the diagnosis of heart diseases, is now available only at Near East University Hospital in TRNC!
Date Added: 15 September 2023, 11:08

Near East University Hospital Cardiology Department Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel said that Cardiac MRI, which is an extremely safe and effective method, can be easily applied to adults, children and pregnant women.

Cardiac MRI is the cardiovascular imaging method that is considered the gold standard in the diagnosis of heart diseases with the high image quality it provides. It has an important place in diagnosis, correct treatment planning and regular follow-up of diagnosed structural heart diseases. Near East University Hospital Cardiology Department Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel states that Cardiac MRI, which is an extremely safe and effective method, can be easily applied to adults, children and pregnant women.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel is the only expert in this field in the TRNC. Dr. Günsel completed her cardiac MRI training at the Royal Brompton Hospital Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Unit in England in 2022. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel also holds ESC (European Society of Cardiology) EACVI CMR Level 2 certification. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel made important statements about the Cardiac MRI application.

What is cardiac MRI? In what cases is it applied?
Cardiac MRI, which is an advanced cardiovascular imaging method that allows detailed images of the heart using radio waves, magnetic field and computer, is used for the diagnosis of heart failure, pericardium (cardiac membrane), congenital heart diseases, diseases of the heart valves and vessels feeding the heart, as well as heart diseases. It allows obtaining detailed information about the damages occurring in the related anatomical structure.

Near East University Hospital Cardiology Department Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel points out that the painless Cardiac MRI imaging method, which can only be applied at the Near East University Hospital in the TRNC, is an extremely effective and safe method that can be applied to adults, children and even pregnant women, thanks to the high image quality and radiation-free procedure it provides.

Thanks to cardiac MRI, there is no need for invasive procedures
Cardiac MRI is important in providing detailed information about patients who cannot be diagnosed via echocardiography. “Thanks to cardiac MRI, we can obtain advanced information about the degree of heart failure, the changes in the chambers and valves, and whether heart failure is reversible, without the need for invasive procedures,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel and added that Cardiac MRI is also used to investigate whether there is a focal or anatomical or hemodynamic reason that may cause palpitations, fainting, dizziness, and arrhythmia.

During Cardiac MRI performed on an MRI device, the heart rate of the patient is recorded by placing ECG tapes on his chest. The results obtained from 3D and high-resolution images are evaluated and reported by experts. The process takes approximately 50-60 minutes.

Definitive diagnosis with 3D, high-resolution imaging
Cardiac MRI is used as an extremely effective method in determining the cause of heart failure as well as in the follow-up of patients with failure. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel also said that cardiac MRI plays a decisive role in whether pacemakers will benefit patients. Dr. Hatice Kemal Günsel stated that Cardiac MRI strengthens the hands of experts thanks to its superior 3D image quality in cases where the echocardiography method used in detecting anomalies is insufficient.

Compared to X-rays, Cardiac MRI allows soft tissues to be visualized much more clearly. It becomes possible to detect damage to the heart and damaged areas, especially in patients who have had a heart attack. Thus, treatment plans can be made accordingly. With detailed evaluation made before bypass surgery, even the healing rate of post-operative tissues can be predicted.

Cardiac MRI also stands out in differential diagnosis in revealing clots or masses that may be located in the heart. Oncological and rheumatological diseases can also negatively affect the heart. Treatment protocols can change completely in heart failure that is determined to be related to these diseases. Thus, Cardiac MRI is a guide in determining the cause of failure and planning the correct treatment.

Advantages of cardiac MRI:

  • The absence of radiation exposure is a very important feature of this imaging technique.
  • It has an important place in the diagnosis and treatment of patients as well as in the follow-up process.
  • Unlike echocardiography and computed tomography, one of its most important features is that it allows evaluation at the tissue level in the heart. It provides detailed information about whether the process is reversible in patients with heart failure, whether the cause is due to inflammation of the heart muscle called myocarditis, or whether it is due to genetically transmitted diseases with familial characteristics.
  • Some of the chemotherapies used in oncology patients may have toxic effects on the heart. It is possible to provide cardiac MRI imaging, especially in patients with poor echocardiographic imaging quality due to previous operations.
  • Cardiac MRI can also be used to investigate whether there is any permanent damage after treatment for inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or after a heart attack.
  • In the disease characterized by genetically inherited thickening of the heart muscle called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Cardiac MRI provides a great advantage over other cardiac imaging methods in evaluating the severity of the disease, determining the accompanying valve pathologies and also in the progression of the disease. It is one of the imaging methods that can be preferred first in detecting early-stage disease and screening family members.
  • It is used to detect intracardiac clots and masses and to determine whether there is spread to surrounding tissues (pericardium).
  • Provides detailed anatomical evaluation in patients with congenital heart disease. It allows hemodynamic evaluation in patients with holes in the heart (atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect).
  • In patients with coronary artery disease, the extent and extent of coronary stenosis causing blood flow disorders can be evaluated by Cardiac MR perfusion imaging. In this way, it can be decided whether intervention (stent or bypass) in the stenotic vessel is necessary. Unnecessary intervention can be avoided in stenoses that do not hemodynamically cause blood flow problems at the tissue level.
  • It is the gold standard imaging method in the diagnosis and follow-up of diseases related to the right side of the heart, for which echocardiographic evaluation is limited.