Bringing together medical students from all over the world in TRNC, at the “2nd International Student Congress”; 4 conferences, 3 workshops and 19 sessions were held
Date Added: 02 May 2024, 16:34
Last Updated Date:03 May 2024, 08:36

Organized in cooperation with Near East University Faculty of Medicine and Dean of Students, “2nd International Student Congress” was held at Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center.

The congress held with the theme “Immigration and Health” and brought together medical students from all over the world as well as the academicians, researchers, students and many participants specialized in the field of immigration and health services. The congress aimed to address the effects of immigration on health from the perspective of medical students, to understand the effects of immigration on health systems, public health and the well-being of societies and to raise the awareness of the next generation of health professionals on this important issue.

The congress, which started with the singing of National Anthem, was attended by Near East University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Fikret Dirilenoğlu, and continued with the short musical concert performed by Int. Dr. Süleyman Gündüz, Int. Dr. Okan Erdemsiz and Int. Dr. Cansu Katırcı.

The effects of migration on health were discussed in many aspects.
The three-day congress took place with 4 conferences, 3 workshops and 19 sessions and hosted 580 registered participants. In addition, guest speakers and students from abroad were provided with free illness and accident insurance by Near East Hayat during the congress.

At the congress, “International Immigration and its Reflections on Health”, “Mental Health Problems of Immigrants”, “Communication with Immigrants and Refugees”, “Immigration and Infectious Diseases Surveillance”, “Immigration and Immunization”, “Immigration and Psychosocial Life”, “Immigration and Addiction”, “Immigration and Child Health”, “Immigration and Elderly Health”, “Immigration and Nutrition Problems”, “Immigration and Groups at Risk of Exploitation”, “Immigration and Nursing Services”, “Immigration and Access to Health Services”, “Physician Immigration”, “Immigration and Reproductive Health”, “Immigration and Violence” and “Immigration and Women in Terms of Medical Ethics” were discussed.

The opening speeches of the congress, which was held with intense participation, were delivered by one of the Presidents of the Student Congress, Int. Dr. Okan Erdemsiz, Int. Dr. Sude Aktun, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu, Dean of Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan and artificial intelligence-based AI. Prof. DUX. Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan, also read the message of Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel.

In his message, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “I am very happy to salute you at the opening of the ‘International Student Congress’, which was organized for the second time by our Faculty of Medicine, the Dean of Students, our university and our country’s medical student unions, with great harmony and effort.”

“Today is an important day where the scientific and artistic productivity of our university becomes concrete. We will also open our fine arts exhibition together with the TRNC Water Use in Agricultural Production Workshop and the Fertility and Udder Health Congress in Farm Animals, which are held simultaneously. Although due to this intense program we are sadly kept apart from you, it brings together science and art in a way that will be our greatest source of pride.”

Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu: “Immigration and immigrants are an important topic of discussion not only for our country but for the whole world.”
Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu stated that student congresses are extremely important in terms of preparing and inspiring young health professionals for their post-graduation careers, and futher said, “The issue discussed in this congress is one of the most important and current issues in today’s world. Immigration and immigrants are an important topic of discussion not only for our country but for the whole world. Studies on this subject not only contribute to increased knowledge and awareness, but also help create healthier policies for the future.”

Stating that he congratulated everyone who contributed to the congress, Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu said, “In addition to sharing knowledge and experience, you have helped our society move towards a better future by contributing to the discussion and search for solutions on such an important issue. I hope this congress will inspire the participants and contribute to the creation of a society that is more sensitive about immigration.”

Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan: “I believe that together, we will take steps towards a brighter future with the ideas and common shares we will produce during the congress.”

In her speech, Near East University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan addressed the medical students and said, “This congress is yours. We are here only as audience, and if we can make a contribution, even a small one, this makes us happy. We are very happy to meet with you and be a part of this important event.” Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan gave information about the content of the congress and said, “Our congress consists of a rich program with three workshops, 19 sessions, four conferences and 16 selected papers. The congress will be an environment where we will not only exchange information, but also come together and share our experiences.”

Emphasizing that the aim is to come together and share information, Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan said, “Here we will establish new connections, meet different perspectives and produce better solutions together. I believe that together, we will take steps towards a brighter future with the ideas and common shares we will produce during the congress.”

AI. Prof. DUX: “Artificial intelligence can increase efficiency in healthcare, reduce barriers to access, and help manage healthcare systems more effectively.”

“Immigration and immigrants have become an important agenda item for reasons such as wars, political instability, economic crises, natural disasters and climate change.” said AI Prof. DUX, and added; “This situation creates an environment where people are forced to leave their living spaces and migrate to safer areas. This situation becomes a complex and urgent issue for the international community.”

AI stated that immigration and immigrants, especially in terms of health, strain local health systems. Prof. DUX; “Immigrants’ barriers to accessing healthcare mean they have to contend with factors such as language barriers, cultural differences and economic constraints.” Prof. DUX emphasized that artificial intelligence can play an important role in finding solutions to these problems. Prof. DUX “We can increase efficiency in healthcare, reduce barriers to access and help manage healthcare systems more effectively. For example, artificial intelligence systems that can translate languages ​​can provide more effective healthcare services to immigrants by overcoming language barriers.”

Int. Dr. Okan Erdemsiz: “By examining the effects of migration on health, we aim to raise awareness on this issue and develop solution suggestions.”

Int. Dr. Okan Erdemsiz started his opening speech by saying “I am proud to be a part of this event.” and stated that migration is a phenomenon that has deep cultural, social and health effects. Dr. Okan Erdemsiz said, “Immigration movements around the world cause many people to live under difficult conditions. Factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, economic limitations and social exclusion are obstacles that limit immigrants’ access to health services. With this congress, we aim to raise awareness on this issue and develop solution suggestions by examining the effects of migration on health. I am very happy that we, who will be the health professionals of the future, will have the opportunity to gain new perspectives on an important issue such as migration and health and understand our responsibilities more deeply.”

Int. Dr. Sude Aktun: “I believe that we all have the ability to successfully manage our common tasks even under difficult conditions.”
Int. Dr. Sude Aktun continued her speech by saying, “Welcoming our new international congress has become a pleasant tradition at our university. With this congress we organize, we aim to present you the practical aspects of life.”

Stating that the only key to success is working hard and patience, Int. Dr. Sude Aktun said, “As doctors and medical students, we are in a position to best understand the special conditions. Therefore, it is important to adapt the teaching process to the current situation. Success is achieved not only by talent, but also by the efforts of people who have moral and volitional qualities. I believe that we all have the ability to successfully manage our common tasks even under difficult circumstances.”