Artist Asgat Dinikeyev painted to draw attention to the fight against the coronavirus outbreak for the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts
Date Added: 07 April 2020, 22:19
Last Updated Date:22 January 2021, 11:54
With the spread of new types of coronavirus (Covid-19) worldwide, artists continue to paint to draw attention to the epidemic and support the struggle from a different perspective.

According to the information given by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, artist Asgat Dinikeyev reflected his feelings on the canvas to draw attention to the coronavirus that has caused tens of thousands of deaths throughout the world.

Asgat Dinikeyev stated that he is trying to give support with his art in order to raise awareness for the struggle against the coronavirus and to draw attention to the precautions and warnings.

Artworks of artists will continue to be shared every day for the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts in order to take measures against the coronavirus and to raise awareness against the epidemic.

Asgat Dinikeyev
He was born in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 1942. He graduated from the Department of Painting of Ufa Art College in 1968. He is a participant in regional, national and international art exhibitions. He is a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is an Honorary Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is an honorary artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. He is a member of the Art Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.