Alternative Respirator produced by Near East University delivered to Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri to be delivered to the Ministry of Health of Turkey
Date Added: 05 May 2020, 19:04
Last Updated Date:17 November 2020, 11:44

Alternative Respirator, which was produced by the engineers of Near East University to be used as a vital device in the Covid-19 treatment process, was given to Ali Murat Başçeri, Ambassador of Turkey to Nicosia, in order to be delivered to Minister of Health of Turkey.

The delegation consisting of Near East University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ and the Near East University Robotics Lab Head Ersin Aytaç made a visit to Ali Murat Başçeri in his office and presented the alternative respirator, giving information about the breathing apparatus. During the visit, information was conveyed to the Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri, about the academic studies and projects carried out by the Near East University during the COVID-19 process.

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “We are proud to share the breathing apparatus that we have developed and reveal our ability to be self-sufficient in our homeland…”
Near East University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Irfan Suat Günsel in his speech stated that they are honored to share the breathing devices they produce and cooperate with the Ministry of Health of Turkey, and gave information about the innovative studies of Near East University during the Covid-19 process.

Expressing that they have mobilized all opportunities as Near East University in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “We have so far designed, developed and produced the face shield that provides certain protections for the young and dynamic teams of health workers working day and night, an alternative respirator that is important for respiratory support, N95 equivalent filter mask, interconnection and reproductive apparatus of respiratory support devices, and hand and skin antiseptic.”

Stating that the respirator (ventilator), which was designed and prepared for mass production in a very short time, can be exported immediately after certification. Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “Our R&D and innovation studies, which started in 2012 with the Robotic Football Team developed in Near East University Robotics Laboratory along with the mechanical and electronic designs and artificial intelligence coding, have come to the point of realizing production by reaching the power that can direct the pandemic process that affects the world today. It is an honor to attain the ability to be self-sufficient in these days when we are closed down due to the outbreak. The quarantine process actually reminded us of how important national production is. Producing an inhaler, which is vital for humankind, as a University, we are proud to share it with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. With our motherland, we will continue to produce and develop projects that will turn our design and production power to the world and bring them to the benefit of society and nature.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “We conducted research that reveals scientific data about COVID-19…”
Near East University Vice-Rector and Prime Ministery Scientific Committee Member Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ also mentioned that they have obtained data by conducting many academic and scientific pieces of research as a University during the COVID-19 outbreak. Stating that they share the results of their project research with the Ministry of Health, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ emphasized that they have recently presented a project related to the typing technique of the virus that causes COVID-19 outbreaks in TRNC and the results will be announced. As Near East University, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ mentioned that they have rolled up their sleeves not only academically but also in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ: “As a university, we have taken important steps in the process of combating the new type of coronavirus COVID-19, which has influenced our country as well as the world, by making academic and innovative efforts since the first day. We have seen how important it is for the country to develop in the field of technology and innovation and for the economy to stand on its feet with domestic production. In this context, as Near East University, we will continue to make new investments.”

Ersin Aytaç: "We have developed a vital respiratory device ..."
Ersin Aytaç, Person-in-charge of the Near East University Robotics Laboratory, provided information about the manufactured respirator. Ersin Aytaç explained that the scientists of Near East University and Kyrenia University and the doctors of our university hospitals, Günsel engineers, our innovation teams, 3D Laboratory, and engineers have been working intensively since the first days of the epidemic.

Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri: “Near East University strengthens the country's health infrastructure by producing health technologies…”
Turkey's Ambassador to Nicosia, Ali Murat Başçeri thanked Near East University and Günsel Family for their contributions to the country, and said that they are closely following R & D studies carried out in the innovation fields. Stating that the development and production of an alternative breathing apparatus with engineers of Near East University in the fight against COVID-19 is an important development that strengthens the health infrastructure of the country, Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri said: “The contributions of Near East University to science are increasing day by day. One of the success stories that the Near East University and Günsel family brought to the TRNC, the national and domestic automobile GÜNSEL is the best indicator that cars can be produced as domestic production in this country. With COVID-19, our lifestyles are also changing. With the pandemic, the understanding of social state and the importance of investing in healthcare increased. In this context, I support and congratulate the Near East University on responding to the needs of the health infrastructure by producing health technologies during this process that the TRNC is going through."