Academic Promotion Application dates and terms and conditions are presented in line with the decision taken by our Rectorate.
Date Added: 17 March 2023, 15:50
Last Updated Date:28 September 2023, 15:57

Academic Promotion Application dates and terms and conditions are presented in line with the decision taken by our Rectorate.

  1. Applications will be received between 27 March and 31 March 2023.
  2. Applications must be made to the Rectorate in person and to the e-mail address [email protected] with the documents required below. (Commission Members will not be emailed)
  3. Application Files should be as follows;

Candidates’ promotion and appointment application files must be submitted to the Rectorate as a print-out (1 folder with a file) and electronically (CD/DVD/Flash Memory). The files should include the following documents.

  • Application petition,
  • Resume,
  • A reference letter from the Dean and the Head of the Department of the staff/field of science stating the convenience of qualifications f the candidate,
  • Document stating the Cumulative Publication (CPS) and Academic Merit (AMS) Scores to be obtained from UZEBİM Performance Evaluation Coordinator ([email protected]),
  • A copy of the form in APPENDIX 3 that has been filled and the necessary scores have been calculated,
  • Printout of screenshots proving that the candidate’s articles have been scanned in WOS, SCOPUS, FIELD INDEXS and ULAKBİM,
  • Copy of doctoral diploma
  • Assistant professorship and/or associate professorship documents,
  • A copy of each of their works/studies,
  • Final acceptance documents or DOI numbers related to the publications that have been accepted but not yet published on the application date,
  • Foreign language proficiency certificates (with the foreign language exemption document to be given by the Education Unit of our University, applying to the Academic Staff Promotion and Appointment Commission, and foreign language documents approved by the Higher Education Council as KPDS, UDS or equivalent, provide an exemption for a maximum of 5 years in accordance with the equivalence table of our University)
  • If the publication is a book, the printing contract,
  • Documents proving citations and refereeing,
  • Trainer’s Training Certificate (For Assistant Professorship Applications).

Delivery of the files: Ayten Angın (Assistant to the Vice President), Near East University Hospital 2nd Floor