A Presentation on Drinks and Socio-Cultural Functions in Cyprus Turkish Culture was prepared…
Date Added: 20 July 2019, 10:20
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 14:32

Academic Members of Near East University Department of Turkish Language Teaching Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut gave a presentation at the 10th International Congress on Cyprus Studies held at Eastern Mediterranean University.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, numerous scientists from many different countries attended the congress and academic members from Near East University made a presentation on “From zivania to coffee, drinks and their socio-cultural functions in Cyprus Turkish History”. The presentation involved details on how beverages consumed in the Turkish Cypriot culture are interpreted by the public and how these beverages affect the social relations are explained.

“Drinks hold a rather significant role in the Cyprus Turkish Culture in terms of social life”
In their presentation, Assoc Prof Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assoc Prof Dr Burak Gökbulut emphasised that drinks held a rather significant role in Cyprus Turkish culture such that in different social environments, people consumed different drinks. It was stated that products grown, depending on the island geography, played an important role in the formation of beverage culture among the Turkish Cypriots. Additionally, it was pointed out that a number of beverages brought from Anatolia and cultural exchanges with Greek Cypriots also played a major role.

In the Cyprus Turkish culture, some beverages that are an important part of social life were internalised by the public as unique to the island, while others were forgotten due to popular culture. It is stated that it is of utmost importance that the next generations be informed about this issue in order to keep the drinks in question within the Turkish Cypriot culture.