15 Year old Ayşe Mitru is regaining her health at Near East University Hospital after she fell into a coma due brain trauma caused by a traffic accident
Date Added: 30 December 2016, 23:07
Last Updated Date:19 November 2020, 11:07
Geçirdiği Trafik Kazası Sonucu Beyin Travması Geçirerek Komaya Giren 15 Yaşındaki Ayşe MİTRU YDÜ Hastanesi’nde Sağlığına Kavuşuyor

It was revealed that she was seriously injured at a traffic accident which took place on 10th October, 2016 at Aydınköy. Subsequent to the accident, 15 year old Ayşe Mitru was taken to state hospital, Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu, and was then sent to the intensive care unit of Near East University Hospital the same day. Furthermore, it was expressed that she fell into a coma due to brain trauma caused by the accident. Currently, it was revealed that she was in the course of regaining her health and that she had been removed from the intensive care unit to inservice patient unit.