120 young teachers who graduated from the Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education received their diplomas at a ceremony
Date Added: 03 July 2023, 06:28

The graduates of the Near East University Atatürk Education Faculty for the 2022-2023 spring semester received their diplomas at the ceremony held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center. The ceremony, in which 120 young teachers threw their caps, was held with intense participation.

At the ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, the music concert performed by the students from the Music Teaching Department was highly appreciated.

Opening speeches of the ceremony were given by Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, and Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education Acting Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yağmur Çerkez. On behalf of the graduate students, Dilay İnanıroğlu expressed her feelings.

Students who completed the faculty with honors received their diplomas from Özay Günsel Children’s University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Anna Günsel and Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ.

After the speeches, the graduates who received their diplomas threw their caps with great enthusiasm.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “As young teachers, you will assume important roles in the development of the society you live in.”
Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, emphasizing that learning does not end with graduation and continues at every point of life, said “This goal you left behind is never the end for you. You will set new goals throughout your life and continue to take new steps.”

Stating that success is not a coincidence, it is the result of perseverance and hard work, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “No matter where you are in the world, you are now an integral part of Near East University. Remember that you graduated from one of the most respected and best universities in the world. “I would like to embody this determination by giving examples of some of the achievements we have made. In the “World Universities Ranking” announced by the London-based international higher education rating agency Times Higher Education (THE), we were in the 601-800 band in the general ranking. 251-300 in the world young universities ranking of the same institution; In the impact ranking, we were in the 401-600 band.”

Addressing the young teachers, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “As young teachers, you will assume important roles for the development of the society you live in. I wish you a journey full of success and a happy future in the new period of your life.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yağmur Çerkez: “We have full faith that you will serve your profession and humanity in the best way by constantly improving yourself and producing solutions to problems.”
At the beginning of his speech, Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education Acting Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yağmur Çerkez congratulated all students on their graduation.

Stating that all graduates are equipped with a qualified education at the Near East University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çerkez said, “Near East University contributes to science with its education and training quality in line with world standards, along with its undergraduate and graduate education, with its scientific publications and studies.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yağmur Çerkez stated that the mission of the Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education is to train individuals who can think creatively, instructively, originally and analytically, who are aware of their social responsibilities, who are open to a disciplined approach, who share knowledge and support production.

Stating that teaching is one of the highest professions, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yağmur Çerkez said, “Societies entrust their future to teachers and you are aware of how important this job is. You are individuals to whom we will safely entrust our future and our children. You know what it takes to achieve the goals you set. We believe that you will serve your profession and humanity in the best way by constantly improving yourself and producing solutions to problems.”

Dilay İnanıroğlu: “We are all teachers now. As Head Teacher Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said; new generations will be the work of us.”
Speaking on behalf of all graduates, the top graduate of the faculty Dilay İnanıroğlu in her speech said that she had realized her childhood dream and was happy to reach her goal. “We have come to the end of a four-year journey we embarked on with great enthusiasm.” Dilay İnanıroğlu said, “We have experienced both challenging and enjoyable days together in these four years. We will reach our goals, one by one, by working hard again in our next life.”

Dilay İnanıroğlu, who thanked the families and academicians who have always supported them throughout her education life, said, “We continue on our way with the knowledge and experience we have received from you. Now we are all teachers. As Head Teacher Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said; new generations will be the work of us.”