Near East University and International Sleep Sciences and Technology Association signed a cooperation protocol covering the research and technology development studies related to sleep science.The protocol was signed by NEU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ and the President of the International Sleep Sciences and Technology Association Prof. Dr. Rayleigh Chiang who visited the TRNC for the 6th International Sleep Medicine and Science Expert Forum and Annual Committee of ISSTA Members.
According to the information provided by the Near East University Directorate of Press and Public Relations, the protocol aims to establish cooperation among the educational institutions represented by the International Sleep Sciences and Technology Association, Innovative Medical and Health Technology Center and China Medical University. The protocol covers health technologies and remote health issues, especially Sleep Medicine technologies. The protocol aims to increase the number of international studies, to conduct joint researches, and to increase capacity through academic networking.
According to the protocol, Near East University Technology Initiative (NERITA) was accepted as the ISSTA - NERITA Hub technology development base. This technology development base, which will continue its activities within NERITA, will host many multi-disciplinary research, projects and joint trainings such as summer schools.